Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas in Review

I believe this was the best Christmas yet. The ages are perfect and they got so excited about Santa Claus coming. Jimmy got his air hockey table last week from nana and has been challenging everyone to a game. The first time I played him I let him win, the last time I played he beat me fair. You have to abide by his rules though. He called a penalty on me for hooking and he was allowed a penalty shot. Uncle Eddie gave him two tickets to the Bruins game in January. Laura has a dance pad on the floor that hooks onto the TV. Its an american idol thing. Laura is definitely in her cutest period. She is inviting all the aunts to sleep over but tells them they have to abide by our rules like no eating downstairs or we'll get mice. I love having conversations with her about Santa Claus, or anything for that matter.

I love when Catherine goes over to the dance pad and uses it to shake her booty. She does this thing where she sings "shake shake shake, shake your booty" and then pats her bum bum...the little hussy. I didnt teach her that. Last year Catherine just looked at the boxes, this was her first year understanding things. Jack is ever so close to walking but just wont do it. He discovered his Thomas ride-on toy and loves it. The tracks cover the whole back room.

JoJo, Aaron and Uncle Eddie stayed very late on Christmas Eve to help set up the train and other toys. Every year I swear that there will be no "assembly required" toys allowed.
Lyn was so tired this week. Jack was up most nights and the Christmas Eve annual party required quite a bit of work on her part.

This year marks the first year that all of the kids stayed and listened to me read the Night before Christmas story. Its more for me then them. The kids got tons of toys, they are still opening them up three days later. Only two toys were broken. I'm still so happy about how well behaved they all were.

Christmas day we went over to Patrick's house and then to Kara's after. Grammy Franny ended up with tons of scratch tickets. I swear she won because she tried to give me some money yesterday. She's a serious lady gambler, you cant beat it out of her when she wins. Again at Kara's the kids were awesome. Laura even went over to Jimmy to give him a hug when he let her share a toy. Jimmy didnt really go for it. Catherine and Jack were just grinning ear to ear.

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