Sunday, September 23, 2007

A football Sunday

Well, I hope its worth it. I got a call last night from Eddie, two great seats to the Patriots game. Too much Offer, Acceptance and Consideration to study. I'm on my hardest subject at law school...contracts. I'm having a hard time with my decision and reasoning that if I get one or two questions right by my studies today that will be worth it in the end. Jimmy hasn't gone to the Patriots game yet and I would have loved to bring him today, but February is coming soon. I have to study. Next Sunday we have seventh row from the field at Fenway Park and last night we went to the High school Football game and had fun. Laura came with us and sat with her cousin big Meghan for a lot of the game so she was happy and Jimmy ran into his first grade chum Kyle. Imagine that they are leaving us already. I cannot believe what high school girls are wearing these days, or better yet what they arent wearing. I guess I am getting old.
I get anxious every time I take a bar exam class. I can only imagine what I am going to be like in a couple of months.

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