Thursday, September 13, 2007

First Day of Skool....first grade

He was sooooo nervous. We were worried at first but all was much better when he came home in one piece. The phone rang the next morning and Jimmy was talking to the person on the other end and kept saying...i'm not doing anything, what are you doing....over and over...apparently, he had given his phone number to a kid he met on the bus and the kid called up and now they are phone buddies....Lyn met the kids parents and they are nice, so not a threat. Cant help but not trust anyone......This morning he cried at the bus stop because he didnt want to go to school. He got a new baseball game and he's once again addicted to anything dealing with baseball. I dont mind this game so much because it requires physical activity on his part. Those damn video games which only require kids to sit on their butts really drive me crazy. I'm not a big fan of Xbox 360.
Laura started her pre-K classes on Wednesday. She was thrilled that the teacher knew her name. How couldnt you remember the most beautiful flower in the garden.....oh ok, enough. not too bias.
Catherine hasnt broken anything this week.......yet. She's talking more and more everyday. Every night when i tell her that she has to go to bed she yells "no fair". Hugs and kisses make it alot easier though.
Jack just smiles his way through the day. he blows kisses and waves, laughing when you blow kisses back to him. He reminds me so much of Jimmy, looks and personality are about the same. He even sings and dances with me....just shows he has good taste.

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