Monday, July 13, 2020

Welcome back baseball

ahhhhhhh finally,  BASEBALL IS BACK.  Jackie started playing this weekend with the big boys on the big field.  I get mixed feelings about it because i'm looking at him and seeing how much different he looks up there just based on several months.  He went from a little kid in little league (Aberdeen tourney last year) to all grown up on the big kids field this year.  He looks so much bigger up at the plate.  There will be alot more power this year as i can see already with a couple of near misses already.
On day 2 he took to the mound and he sealed the day with the win for the away team.  We had to wake up a little early and after a two hour ride to the cape we had a double header and then take the ride home......Ole number 10 had a fine day though as his team went 3-1 on the weekend home and home series.
It was quite a hot one to be behind home plate in all that gear.  He caught the second game on Saturday and did quite well.  He was wiped out at night.
look at the monster behind the plate

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