Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mini Golfing with the boys

 Jimmy and Jackie were playing wii Golf and Jimmy told Jackie if Jackie beat Jimmy then Jimmy would bring him to mini Golf....well, apparently Jackie won and off they went.  They invited me and I definitely would not turn down such an invite.  Jackie got a hole in one on one of the holes and thats all we've heard all night.   Jimmy is getting much better at Golf so his putting is improving.  He said he won but he was the one keeping score too.....but it was really fun to be out with the boys.

We had the whole place to ourselves....it was cold and a Monday night so thats not surprising.  Afterwards, i got an ice cream and all of us went to Ant Jo's.  

We always have the face masks ready

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Road tripping



     After a very sad week, we Laura and I shook off the dust, got up and loaded into Nana's car for a wicked excursion to include some college visits.  We started on Wednesday and drove across NY state and stopped at that dental college (Colgate)...Ok, sometimes i just cant help myself..i try but i just cant.  What a great drive it was though.  It was a picture perfect day (of course without a camera) and the ride provided so much scenery.  Colgate was a beautiful school..sort of like a New Hamspshire mountain area...quiet with a college town twist....but still beautiful.
     We spent quite a while there and took off into Pennsylvania, Bucknell it was.  We made it to Lafayette and Lehigh after.  Somewhere in between we went to Scranton to find some scraps of fame from THE OFFICE television show.  Scranton is interesting for sure.  Its like an old fighter thats been kicked too much and kept the white tshirt on.....where did that come from ??  Lafayette was interesting for Laura.  We went into a building because we got an employee to open the doors to let us in....By the time she was pointing the way to some interesting areas to check out we were both looking in the opposite direction to leave.  
     From there we went to Washington DC.  In DC we went to see Georgetown, American University and The George Washington University ......All beautiful schools,, 
     We then went to New York City and a trip to see Columbia University.  Wow, what a nice school that is.  We stayed in the city for the night and made a trip to Times Square.  Well, it might not be the right time for visitors because we had to get the hell out of there because the crowd was a little rambunctious at night.  Its too back because I loved Times Square but the times, they are a changing.   

Monday, August 24, 2020

A recent trip to see an old friend named Black Gordon


     I believe this was on Fathers Day or sometime around there.  We went and played some catch with the football and just hung out around the area.  Such good kids to pacify dear old dad.  Its such a peaceful thing for me to come see this lovely train with the best company a guy could have.  

Summer Vacay with "the girls" visit


What a nice summer vacation for all.  The cousins came from Ohio with Aaron and Joanne driving up from Ohio to spend the week.  They rented their own vacation house at the lake and the girls were entertained by all.  They were so cute and our kids just love them.  They do talk all the time on the phone so its good that it was like they see each other all the time.
     One of the nights we spent at Wolfborough getting ice cream, which happened to be the norm among all of us this week....its a must ya know. 
     During the week, Ant Jo, Nana, Doe, Kara, Emily, Jacob came up to visit.  The weather was perfect every day.  

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Senior photos Laura


I knew i'd cry when the pictures were done...I guess i know myself 
I think this is the one she chose for the yearbook where she is lying down....I agree, its beautiful....

This one is my favorite

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Slipping and sliding

Catherine had a couple friends over and thought it would be a great idea to get some tarps and have a slip and slide party.  Well, jimmys friends had come by and Laura and Alice too.  I was challenged to go too and I couldn’t say no

Monday, July 13, 2020

Welcome back baseball

ahhhhhhh finally,  BASEBALL IS BACK.  Jackie started playing this weekend with the big boys on the big field.  I get mixed feelings about it because i'm looking at him and seeing how much different he looks up there just based on several months.  He went from a little kid in little league (Aberdeen tourney last year) to all grown up on the big kids field this year.  He looks so much bigger up at the plate.  There will be alot more power this year as i can see already with a couple of near misses already.
On day 2 he took to the mound and he sealed the day with the win for the away team.  We had to wake up a little early and after a two hour ride to the cape we had a double header and then take the ride home......Ole number 10 had a fine day though as his team went 3-1 on the weekend home and home series.
It was quite a hot one to be behind home plate in all that gear.  He caught the second game on Saturday and did quite well.  He was wiped out at night.
look at the monster behind the plate

Friday, July 10, 2020

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Night out on Winni with the girls

    More great times with the girls up in Wolfeboro NH....and when i say girls of course i include Harry the wonder dog !!

Gals at the docks !!

  Oh those crazy gals.....Laura had Nicki, Kat, Cat and Erin up for a wild and crazy weekend.  Here we are in Wolfboro for some grub 


Saturday, May 09, 2020

Quarantined Jack and Ant Joe

My little buggah has been living the high life now for about eight weeks.  He has taken over Ant Jo's house but worst of all i dont get to see him every day....Ant Jo has brought hom over a couple of times a week to play basketball at home and we play catch with the football outside.  I also get to facetime with him at least once a day and keep up with his craziness.  He really is having a great time over there and i'm thinking if we tried to pry him away Ant Jo would pitch a fit and wouldnt let us.......With this picture we had been coming back from getting Catherine some grub and if we were so close i figured there would be no reason why we shouldnt at least some to the garage door and say hello.  Thats Jackie is such a good boy.....I really do miss him....I know the girls and Jimmy do too even though they wouldnt admit it.  

Monday, April 13, 2020

Parade of cars for Cats Birthday

Laura really did a great job getting everybody together and organizing a parade of cars for Catheine's Birthday.  She managed to keep it a secret too from Cat.  The start time was for four o'clck and we all were to meet at the Parker.  As luck would have it, the cold rain came down as the parade goers were meeting.  That wouldnt deter them though as they all lined up in order and left just about on time.  The video shows Catherine coming outside and asking Emily and Erin that was going on. It was so nice to look up and see so mamy cars and people had come out to help celebratr my little angels birthdya :)