Monday, April 01, 2019

Indianapolis Swimming

And we loved that the girls got to come over from Ohio to meet us in Indy.  It was so nice to see them and Laura and Emily were thrilled to have the cheering section.  They are such cute kids and we were so happy to have them, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

We did go to the Central Canal and took a ride on the peddle boats.  Its a neat canal system that was originally planned for a trade route to connect to the Erie Canal (It didnt quite make it there) but today it does serve a purpose as being a nice touristy location as well as a nice walk for all.
Laura stayed in the hotel because she had homework to do...I swear, I dont know where this girl came from.
     There was also this huge indoor mall that spanned over streets and was several floors high. 

If you go to Indianapolis, you really are obliged to to the Indianapolis Speedway, the home to the Indianapolis 500.  There really wasnt much to see here, there was the Yolk restaurant but beside much.

Okay, so i made it look like I was in the race car...It looks pretty authentic i must say....

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