Monday, August 20, 2018

USA Gymnastic National Championships...Boston

Of course that is Simone Biles behind her 

About five months ago I heard on the radio that the Gymnastics national Championships were in Boston this year.  I immediately checked online and got some tickets and forgot about it.  About a week ago we remembered in a panic thinking we might had missed it...but i had told Catherine about it and she hadnt forgotten.....she loves her gymnastics and couldn't wait to go.  We had great seats and were right in the middle of the action.

There were a number of her gymnastics buddies who were going too.  She was so sweet the whole night and really enjoyed herself.  I did too!!.......When we were going to the Garden I asked her if she wanted to drive right to it or take the train....and as usual she wanted to take the subway train.  Its part of the experience.


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