Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The High Schoolers turn to begin school year

    They are off to begin High School with Lizzie and Charlie.  Jimmy gets to stuff all of them inside the "Red Boogah" or so they call it......Kids have been naming their cars forever...but Red Boogah???  Anyway, the first day of high school.....can you believe it!!!  Charlie and Lizzie are such great kids and fantastic friends too!!  Kathy took the picture of all four thankfully....!!  Looking at this picture... Wow, just Wow!!!  When did this happen???  Don't get me started on nostalgic stuff...

Jimmy has a new car now.  His first car went bye bye when the cradle to hold the engine rusted out.  Sooooo, we got lucky and fell into the RED BOOGAH....yes, thats what they call it.  Its a nice car, but its standard, so its a work in progress.  He's actually getting the hang of it, little by little, but he's getting frustrated by the stalling out.  Its a cute little car and putters around and the gas tank lasts forever so I think he'll be fine with it, if he can grant himself a little patience.  I think he'll be fine though.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Day of Skool for the middle schoolers

My two youngest started school today with the high schoolers starting tomorrow.  They are so cute, of course Jack was dragging his feet and Catherine was all over him telling him to get ready.  Its an every morning routine so they had to get it out of their system.  They are getting so big. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bowling night.....dont poke the Bear

“”How many good times have we had with last minute ideas.  This idea belonged to Jack, who, admittedly been bugging me over and over to go bowling.....but I was able to get all four of them to come to the bowling alley.  Charlie and Lizzie joined us for the fun and festivities!!

Monday, August 20, 2018

August fun

I'm catching up on the photos from this month.

Laura had some friends up for a couple days and they scooted out to Weirs Beach for a night with Emily.  The gals (Alex and Alice) are so nice.  They seemed like they had a blast while they were here.

The girls from Ohio made the pilgrimage too.  They were so cute.  One night we went to see the Christopher Robin movie with them....
boating with uncle Jack
     Here we are with absolutely no trust issues.  Here is this Ice Creamery in the middle of boondockville where you can go inside and grab an ice cream for yourself and leave the money.  Its just like the farm stand in another post where you take the goods and leave the loot in a box. 
     There is also a yard and a small barn area where the kids can play.

We had some serious sized floaties .

     All the kids go absolutely crazy for the ice cream boat.  As i've stated numerous times on the blog, the Ice cream boat comes onto the beach much like the regular ice cream truck would come into the neighborhood.  All the kids go running and get in line.  They better make sure to get Daddy his Dove bar or there might be trouble.    Amelia and Lilly screamed when they found out what is was.  Oh its so fun!!!

The week I was here with the gals there was a floatie on the lake with a riding bull.  Lyn liked it so much she went right on Amazon and in a couple of days we had one floating around too.  We have so many floaties.  We have just littered the lake with them.  They are awesome.  I love to see the kids floating around on the flamingos and such.

Both Alice and Alex were so good with the Ohio gals.

I'm so impressed how good the kids get along and take care of their cousins.

I could just look at this kid and laugh all day.......

Patriots with Cat

This year it was Catherines turn to head out to Foxboro for a preseason game.  She had never been to Gillette stadium before and was very excited to go.  She was so fun to go with...Especially since we were so close to the action.
isnt she just the sweetest gal
😲🌚🌚and the best part of the day is tailgating!!  Well, maybe not the best part, but a good part...We got into a good lot and if you look closely, the stadium was right over our shoulders.  The food was chicken on a stick with rice.  We had gotten a new baby grill and it worked out great.

USA Gymnastic National Championships...Boston

Of course that is Simone Biles behind her 

About five months ago I heard on the radio that the Gymnastics national Championships were in Boston this year.  I immediately checked online and got some tickets and forgot about it.  About a week ago we remembered in a panic thinking we might had missed it...but i had told Catherine about it and she hadnt forgotten.....she loves her gymnastics and couldn't wait to go.  We had great seats and were right in the middle of the action.

There were a number of her gymnastics buddies who were going too.  She was so sweet the whole night and really enjoyed herself.  I did too!!.......When we were going to the Garden I asked her if she wanted to drive right to it or take the train....and as usual she wanted to take the subway train.  Its part of the experience.