Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend at the lake

It was a very fun time this memorial day weekend.  Alice and Emily joined with us but Jimmy stayed behind to work at the Mill and be spoiled rotten over Ant Jo's house.  There was much fun and continuous laughter including a tipped kayake with poor Alice being overturned into the lake.  We were over at the other side of the complex when we heard two laughing hyenas screaming in laughter.  Apparently, Laura was helping steer Alice's kayake into shore when the mishap occurred.  
Brown Sugar had made us some spice rice and we ate like Kings for the couple of days.  Of course my $10 Weber grill was in play.  Oh, that grill !!!  I'll talk about that grill later....everyone else is sick of hearing the story.

On Saturday we went into North Conway to do some Outlet shopping and roaming around.  While we were there we encountered a craft fair and one of the booths had a old time photo booth.  The kids look great dressing up as gangsters, especially Jack who looks natural as a gangster.

     There was this basketball game that was quite spirited with Jackie taking home the MVP honors.
     Catherine very rarely goes past an open grass patch without finding a place to do flips.

     This is Zeb.....the kids like to make fun of me calling me Jeb because i'm an old Fogie hick....i think i'm named after this guy

And I dont expect that she'd want us to be sad today but there's not a day that goes by that she's not mentioned and especially she's thought of every day.  This memorial day is the tenth anniversary of her death.....Missed and Loved oh so much

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