Monday, April 23, 2018

He's got a target on his back.....

Ok, we are only six games into the season and Jackie is perplexed by the amount of attention his hot bat has received from opposing pitchers.  Six games into the season he's been beaned three times.  Mostly he's okay, but the fastest pitcher in the league really gave him a shot in the back with a fastball.  I was about twenty feet away when it happened and it was a solid hit in the small of his back.  He bounced back but had to come out of the game because it really, really hurt.  He laughed the other two off but this one left a good bruise.  He told me it would feel better the next day and sure enough he was back at it the next day.  Jeez, during the next game during his second at bat the wild pitcher threw three pitches over his head or behind him.  He was dodging all over the place.  He had a good laugh over that...because of course they didnt hit him.
So far in the season he has been doing very well.  This weekend he had five games between Saturday and Sunday.  He doesnt seem to mind and actually loves it.  I'm impressed at how well he is doing......he's a good kid and very funny.  I very much enjoy watching him play

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