Monday, October 10, 2016


     You know, there are some times in life with these kids where your heart just swells up with happiness.  The times that are had are just so much fun, and you know it while its happening that this is something special.  This weekend is just one more of those things that we can look back at and realize that we did a lot, and didn't take much down time in life during these years. 
     This weekend had been in the planning stages for quite a while and the timing just happened to coincide with Brady's return to action after his suspension.  He really didn't disappoint.  We got there early and Jackie took in the sights.

    A really bad excuse for a mascot...but we posed with him anyway. 

     Mommy and Laura posing
     There weren't many empty seats once the game started.  However, the Patriots fans outnumbered the Browns fans in their own stadium.....

Up above there is a picture of an airplane.  As I've said before, Jack is a crazy fan of Hillary for president.  It just so happened that Hillary was coming into town and her airplane landed right in front of us.  Theresa was on the phone with him wishing him a happy birthday so she got a play by play of the whole thing landing and then Hillary coming off the plane with her entourage.  He even had his Hillary doll.  It was quite a thing to see. 
Off we went onto the plane and Laura had secured a stewardess to announce over the intercom that it was Jack's birthday.  Everyone on the plane got to wish him a happy birthday.  He loved it!!!  It was really fun. 

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