Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween 2016

What will I ever do when they tell me they are too old to go trick or treatin???  We once again headed out at 6pm and did a two hour tour around our neighborhoods.  Cat and Quinnie went off ahead and Jackie wanted to walk to route with me, getting all the attention.  He was Hillary and I was Donald.  He looked great.  They were very realistic masks.  No gibber gabber he said, he was all business.  He told me that he was smiling at all the people and they couldn't see him under his mask.  I thought for sure I'd see a lot of Donald and Hilary costumes but, once again, we were it !!  I must say, I had a blast with him.  I even brought my own trick or treat bag and got my own candies.  I, of course, said they were for my daughter who wasn't here....but half of that was true.   Laura came back from swimming and luckily Lizzie came over and off they went over the neighborhood and then off to Lizzie's house.  Cat was Thing 1, as you can see, and was smiling the whole time.  Quinne was the scary hockey player too....Jimmy was Tom Brady once again.  He had Clay and Charlie and the twins over and they all ended up over Charlie and Lizzies too.  After all this candy I think i'll start my diet next Monday!!

     Hillary trying to get some candy off our 91 year old neighbor Midge.
     Our other 80 year old neighbor communicating with the democratic nominee.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Punpkin carving at the cabin

     Yeah, I'm thinking the kids are liking it up here!!  Well, epsecially because there is wi-fi

We bought the lake house !!

After all these years talking about getting a cabin up north, it is finally done.  We have wanted to do this for so long but it was never the right time.  The whole family feels so comfortable up here and it just feels right.....  So we had a closing day on Tuesday and I spent the whole week up there.  The walls were done by Mike Brady, shiny paneling....they were the first thing that had to be changed.  It was a thick board so its good for insulation and hanging wall fixtures.  It took three days to get the shine off the paneling with the primer.  
This kids came up for the weekend and were running all around having a blast.  We got our annual pumpkin at a local farm and carved it up.  Once again...not a pretty sight of a pumpkin with my talents...or lack thereof.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Tenth grade

As promised, here is the tenth grade picture of James.  We didn't get a first day of school picture this year because we knew this was coming in the mail. 
Last week he was trying to elude a blitz from the opposing team and took quite the spill.  He ended up getting a hairline fracture in the leg bone.  It was the small calf bone.  The doctor said three to six weeks until he heals to play again.  He plays Dek hockey too so I really think that he's more upset about not playing there then the football.

Monday, October 10, 2016


     You know, there are some times in life with these kids where your heart just swells up with happiness.  The times that are had are just so much fun, and you know it while its happening that this is something special.  This weekend is just one more of those things that we can look back at and realize that we did a lot, and didn't take much down time in life during these years. 
     This weekend had been in the planning stages for quite a while and the timing just happened to coincide with Brady's return to action after his suspension.  He really didn't disappoint.  We got there early and Jackie took in the sights.

    A really bad excuse for a mascot...but we posed with him anyway. 

     Mommy and Laura posing
     There weren't many empty seats once the game started.  However, the Patriots fans outnumbered the Browns fans in their own stadium.....

Up above there is a picture of an airplane.  As I've said before, Jack is a crazy fan of Hillary for president.  It just so happened that Hillary was coming into town and her airplane landed right in front of us.  Theresa was on the phone with him wishing him a happy birthday so she got a play by play of the whole thing landing and then Hillary coming off the plane with her entourage.  He even had his Hillary doll.  It was quite a thing to see. 
Off we went onto the plane and Laura had secured a stewardess to announce over the intercom that it was Jack's birthday.  Everyone on the plane got to wish him a happy birthday.  He loved it!!!  It was really fun.