What will I ever do when they tell me they are too old to go trick or treatin??? We once again headed out at 6pm and did a two hour tour around our neighborhoods. Cat and Quinnie went off ahead and Jackie wanted to walk to route with me, getting all the attention. He was Hillary and I was Donald. He looked great. They were very realistic masks. No gibber gabber he said, he was all business. He told me that he was smiling at all the people and they couldn't see him under his mask. I thought for sure I'd see a lot of Donald and Hilary costumes but, once again, we were it !! I must say, I had a blast with him. I even brought my own trick or treat bag and got my own candies. I, of course, said they were for my daughter who wasn't here....but half of that was true. Laura came back from swimming and luckily Lizzie came over and off they went over the neighborhood and then off to Lizzie's house. Cat was Thing 1, as you can see, and was smiling the whole time. Quinne was the scary hockey player too....Jimmy was Tom Brady once again. He had Clay and Charlie and the twins over and they all ended up over Charlie and Lizzies too. After all this candy I think i'll start my diet next Monday!!

Hillary trying to get some candy off our 91 year old neighbor Midge.
Our other 80 year old neighbor communicating with the democratic nominee.