Monday, April 04, 2016

The Championship swim meet begins in Florida...

Well Bernie and Lauren came from a long distance away and shared our Saturday meet.  It was great to see both of them and the kids really appreciate that they came all this way to watch.

This is my favorite moment of my weekend.  Laura came right up to me on the deck and i was in the stands and came rushing down.  She was told that no only had she won the 100 Free but her time was an Age Group qualifying time...which had meant that she would qualify for Zones if she got one more AGE group time.  Its a super elite tourney in August, this year its in New York.  The sound of her voice, the excitement and overall exuberance I didn't care if she were telling me she won jelly bean eating championship, I was all in it.  I wanted to reach right through those bars and give her a great big hug.....Such a moment and i'm so glad Lauren was there and took a photo of it....I didnt know she had until later that night i was talking to Aunt Jo and she told me that she liked that picutre...its awesome

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