Friday, October 09, 2015

Happy Birthday Jackie

     The morning started with the little buggah getting an escort into his class so I could do my normal reading to his class on his birthday.  Usually we get a bag of pencils and stuff to give out to classmates but i forgot this year.  I got to read a couple of halloween books.  The students were funny and were very attentive.  
     A couple of hours later i went back to the school on this half day and got Jackie and two of his friends and along with Catherine and Quinnie we went to the trampoline place with them all.  They all seem to complain about the dogeball area but they all seem to flock there like magnets.  Catherine and Quinnie seem to do the more gymnastic type of thing while the boys...well, the boys will be boys and bounce around as much as they can.  We did an hour and a half here and fled for some pizza.  After pizza it was off to the ice cream stand....good stuff and after that we headed to our house for some xbox and whatever else fun the kids could hammer out.

As if this wasnt enough for him, on Friday night we headed over to aunt Jo's house for some more birthday celebration time.  Of course aunt jo got him a WWE cake.  He did okay for himself on this night.

                              I love all these birthday cake videos.  They look like a blazing inferno....

And what did we get here for our birthday???  What every kid asks for their ninth birthday..a metal detector or course.  First it was the Clapper for Christmas, now its a metal detector for his awesome actually!!  I laughed so hard when he asked me for it that i had to immediately say no because i knew i was going to get it for him.  How original!!  He was seen tearing up the front lawn for a couple of days after he got it.  He ended up with 31cents and a big bolt that he thinks might have come off some important ship or something.  there is a tv show named 'diggers' where these two crazy guys go and did up certain areas in search of treasures and they run every time they make a find...They are complete knuckleheads and that is what draws us to them.  its funny and i'm glad he he likes it.

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