Sunday, March 30, 2014

Beach Party Gymnastics for Catherine....first place

Catherine's team took first place in the beach party gymnastics meet last week.  I wish I could upload the video of her doing her first back hand spring during the match.  That move has caused us more heartache than you could imagine.  She has only started in this competition business since October and she has tried so hard to master this move but has come up short so many times.  I think at one point she hurt her wrist so she has stayed away from it....until now.  She's our most sensitive one and doesnt really like doing the things that scare her the most and this has certainly got into her head.  She did so good during this meet though.  I was very proud watching her at least try it and sure enough she pulled it off like a champion. Of course i'm bias towards her.  She really loves doing it and just to see the smile on her face makes it all worth it.

      and here they all are up on the first place podium....its their olympics and they competed like champions!

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