Sunday, December 02, 2012

First Christmas party of the year...

         There are more photos to come.......but Jack was the last kid to get his gifts from Santa.  He sat right next to Santa with his hands folded the whole time.  I could see the nerves in him while he was wondering if Daddy was right when he told him that Santa really does know if you are naughty or nice.  It was cute though...he loved every minute of it.
     Theresa convincing Santa that Big Bill has been naughty and should be given coal.

     Jimmy had to leave early to get to his basketball game but he still had time for Santa. 
     Catherine's greatest gift was yet to come.  Uncle Patrick made her a balance beam for her to practice her gymnastics.  Right now its in the middle of the living room floor and she loves it!!!  She told me how nice uncle Patrick is to her.  She is really an appreciative little lady.  She loves her uncle Patrick.

  Trouble...notice the capital T for that Maura....yes, she does look so innocent but we know!!


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