Friday, August 03, 2012

The Return to Black Gordon

   It wasnt easy, but we got all four of them back to Black Gordon.  So many years now we've been coming over here starting with just Jimmy and now with Jack.  Jimmy grunts about coming here now because he's too cool for all this stuff.  He warmed up to it when I brought it up earlier and off we went.  Especially after I told them we'd get some pizza and have a picnic in the park area.  I boiled up some hoP dogs and threw together a bunch of snacks too. 
  How many pictures do we have on this train landing.
  All four of them tucking into the train that doesnt move.
  Enjoying some pizza under the watchful eye of Black Gordon.

  They had a some actors playing different roles in the park area and did a little show about the mill girls and their fight to get better pay.

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