Saturday, July 21, 2012

Swan Boats 2012 version

     It was the annual trip to the Swan boats time again.  The eleventh annual trip, we found the weather great and the crowds plentiful.  Once again, Jimmy grimaced at the suggestion of our choice of venues and once again, he had the most fun of all of us.  I remember when he was just a little tike attached to his mother all those years ago and here we are, all those years later and more little monkeys to enjoy the wonderful day.  This year, Kristina joined us.  Eileen called me the other day and asked if she could hang with us because Eileen was going to NYC for the weekend and Kristina doesnt like being home alone during the day.  We happily obliged.  I dont know if she knew what she was in for,  We just dont stop........ever.  But from all reports she had a blast.
Loving the carousel in the Common.

     Laura hit a home run from this point.  Jimmy had hit one too and he just couldnt let that happen so he got that look in his face during his next time up and kept crushing the ball.  One went right off my thigh....ouch

 While Jimmy was shagging some fly balls in the outfield, he took his sandals off and got stung by a bee.  He's allergic so his foot just swelled right up.  not so much fun.  He went into the wading pool and soaked it but its still swollen a day later.

  After the swan boats and baseball we all loaded up in the swagger wagon and took a trip to the North End for some pizza and desserts.  It was packed with people but we were lucky enough to get a seat at the pizza joint and our favorite dessert shop.  Incredibly, we made it back in one piece.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fourth Of July

              I knew that I would try to catch up one day with pictures but its not as easy as it seems. Here we go with the fourth of july. This year was horrible because I had to work during the road race/parade. Exciting things happened because Jimmy got to march in the parade and Laura AND Catherine got to run in the road race. Umple Eddie ran with Cat. We figured that the ump would walk behind the group and then catch up with them not too far out, but he informs me that Cat ran the whole way. So very exciting.

     and then of course the whole crew were off to Aunt Chrissy's house for some Fourth of July fun and festivites.  Always a load of fun over there with all the cousins and tons and tons of kiddo's.. 

Jack playing with the Spinners

     Jack's T-ball coaches arranged for our team to be able to play a game prior to the Spinners game.  Jack was so excited to be playing on the field that the Spinners play on.  His Daddy was excited to see him too!!!!  So off he went onto the field with alot of fans coming to see him.  Uncle Buck and his friend Ann, Nana and Doe, Daddies BFF Katie,Thresa, Bill, Maura and uncle Patrick, Jimmy, Laura, Catherine and of course the ump were all screaming in joy. 
     Jack got up and hit a solid single up the middle and scored a couple of batters later.  He was chugging it from third and had this determined look on his face to score, and score he did!! 
     All the kids got to hang out inside the dugout for an extended period of time prior to the Spins game.  They gave each kid a baseball and a marker in hopes that some of the players would sign it for them.  Jack got about four or five autographs and chatted up the players, probably giving them advice on hitting.  Finally came the nationaly anthem.  The kids got to run out onto the field with the players for the national anthem.  I watched as Jack talked the ear off of the Spinners second baseman. 
                                                                 Laura and BFF

                     He is already halfway down the line and the other kid is barely out of the box.
     We got to stay for the regular game and after the game the kids got to run the bases too.  During the eighth inning the team had a promotion on the field where we got to race in these oversized shoes.  Of course I was the only one that wanted to do it.  I had signed up Lyn and BFF and Eddie.  Eddie reluctantly did it but the other two predictably washed out.  Thats okay, they let Laura do it with us and we met an old friend Jack, who was at the game.  So we raced and when we were getting a little bit behind I remembered this little known rule that allows for one player to jump out of her shoes and run to the finish line.  Thats what happened when Laura jumped out and narrowly beat our competition.