Saturday, April 28, 2012

Jack starts T-ball

Jack tells us his career started today in T-Ball.  Completely excited and ready to go, he looked forward to this oh so much.  Yesterday, he broke his leg.....well, in his world he broke his leg.  He was on the ground in the living room telling me that i should know that you cannot move anyone with a broken leg.  I told him I'll call his coach and tell him he cant make it to the game.  It was like a trip to Lourdes all over again and he was healed.
The video above was his first ever at bat as a 'pro'.  He did really well and handled two hits to him like an accomplished pro.  I was actually quite impressed with the second one.  He took a grounder, fielded it cleanly and turned and threw it to first.  He also got to play catcher.  This was serious business.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Revolutionary Trip for Laura

  Laura wanted to climb up the statue but there were too many around.
  Very exciting to see the spot where the Boston Massacre occurred. 

  It was national cannabis day and the hippies held a rally in the common.  Laura was right at home with her fellow hippies.  We were treated to lots of lovely second hand marijuana smoke and plenty of passed out bums nearby while we samples goodies such as fried dough.

Of course we were in the North End so we had to stop for some pizza.  She finished it all up no problem.

  We were accosted by a random man walking by Mike's Pastry.  He is actually a coworker who just happened by and got in the shot.
 Laura chose a pizza and ate most of it and then a cupcake for dessert at Mike's. 
Laura has been studying about the American Revolution in school and has been asking me to bring her to places with history from that time.  We had originally planned on going to Lexington and Concord today but when the car hit the highway, I thought it would so much more fun to head to Boston.

Fenway trip with Jimmy

I got to celebrate an early Red Sox game with Jimmy because he got tickets for Easter from Aunt Jo.  I was the lucky recipient.  Another great time and of course, they won!!

Easter weekend.....

i'm hoping to recover some photos because my hard drive crashed.  As is always the case, the kids went to an egg hunt over aunt janies house and had an egg coloring day over aunt kara's house.  Easter morning they had hundreds of eggs left for them outside.  This year they werent so cold as has been the case in some recent years.  Its great to look around the yard and see all those eggs all around the grounds.  Jimmy even joined in and made it fun for the littler ones.  We once again made the trek over to uncle timmy's house and had another easter egg hunt with my side of the family, then followed by a trip to aunt jo's where I stuffed my those rice croquettes.  I'm thinking we should have them more often then once a year.  It was a great Easter and things didnt appear too rushed at all this year.  I didnt have to work thank goodness....for once.

Catherine's birthday celebration

It would have been impossible to top her last years birthday of a trip to New York City, but this year, she did quite alright.  We went to her favorite restaurant, Fire and Ice, this time in Cambridge, with her siblings and her cousins.  They really are interchangable kids and they all get along so awesome.  All had a great time.