Sunday, March 18, 2012

Swim Meet for Laura

I saw a T-shirt in the lobby of the pool center yesterday that read "If I am given one day to live, please send me to a swim meet, THEY LAST FOREVER". Well, it goes by a lot quicker when you know several of the swimmers, but the day does seem to go a little slow. Laura, Emily and Erin were up in Vermont for Saturday and Sunday's swim meet. Laura only swam on Saturday but she slept over with Kara so she could cheer on the rest of her team on Sunday. Lyn and I drove her up on Saturday and drove home after the long days meet. Vermont is not next door!!
Once we got there Laura was all smiles. She really loves swimming, but mostly the social aspect of being with her swimming friends. She is so goofy and fun, she bounces all around joking around and showing that smile. Also, she is getting to be a very good swimmer. This was her first year in swimming competitively and she has just climbed right up the standings consistently. Its fun to watch her. We will keep keep her in this sport as long as she wants.

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