Friday, March 30, 2012

Bike ride with Jackie

About two weeks ago Jackie asked me if we could ride our bikes like we did last year. He was more excited because now he has learned to ride without training wheels. I told him that that I didnt have to work on a Friday which was two weeks away and I would take him then. He certainly did not forget, and truth be told, neither did I. He kept reminding me, counting down the days and even added a game of baseball in the cages after bike path so he could practice his t-ball. Well, he's on the go with that bike of his. It's amazing that he had training wheels on just last week and now he's flying around..and I mean flying around the streets.
We started the day by dropping him off at pre school. he was so wound up about our bike trip. I wasn't surprised that when I picked him up from school, all the teachers asked me about where we were going. So off we went and he knew exactly where we were going and where we were going to park. I was kind of worried because last year he tired out after about two miles. Getting back was a bit tiring because he would complain. But that was before he took the training wheels off. He took off and we just kept going...going even farther then i had intended. Once we got into town square we stopped and ate up the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches he demanded we make up. Not a problem. It was fun just sitting there with him for the half hour or so and listening to his replay of the bike ride up to that point. He handled the rest of the ride like a pro and was ready to go to the batting cage.
We got into the batting cage when we got home and he would have stayed there for hours had I not pooped out on him.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Swim Meet for Laura

I saw a T-shirt in the lobby of the pool center yesterday that read "If I am given one day to live, please send me to a swim meet, THEY LAST FOREVER". Well, it goes by a lot quicker when you know several of the swimmers, but the day does seem to go a little slow. Laura, Emily and Erin were up in Vermont for Saturday and Sunday's swim meet. Laura only swam on Saturday but she slept over with Kara so she could cheer on the rest of her team on Sunday. Lyn and I drove her up on Saturday and drove home after the long days meet. Vermont is not next door!!
Once we got there Laura was all smiles. She really loves swimming, but mostly the social aspect of being with her swimming friends. She is so goofy and fun, she bounces all around joking around and showing that smile. Also, she is getting to be a very good swimmer. This was her first year in swimming competitively and she has just climbed right up the standings consistently. Its fun to watch her. We will keep keep her in this sport as long as she wants.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Last sets of training wheels put away

I got home from work tonight and Jackie told me for the umpteenth time that he was ready to take the training wheels off. He went from being afraid to get on the bike to scaring the hell out of us flying down the street...eeeek

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Annual St. Patty's Day dinner

This is the umpeenth annual St. Paticks dinner over Kara's house. We look forward to this one for quite some time. Grammy Franny used to love this corned beef and cabbage dinner. I dont know what Kara does to it but she always hits a home run with it. The ump and Paula came over to share the day with us. The ump looks forward to this day too. He doesnt eat as much as he used to but he still puts it down good.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Welcome Clover, our new edition

Welcome to Clover, our new Cavalier King Charles Cocker Spaniel. Laura suckered me into it near her last birthday. Her and her mother had a grand scheme and suckered me in. Laura said that she wanted something for her birthday last year. I thought about it and I told her that I would get her whatever she wanted because she was such a good girl. The two of them laughed and wouldnt tell me what it was I was agreeing to. It took a while but I finally figured out what it was. Lyn found a really good deal on Clover. He had been a sort of rescue dog so the price was right. He's been here for half a day and even Fenway likes him.