Sunday, January 29, 2012

Vermont Ski weekend

Haven't even had time to narrate this lovely trip. The two oldest were like pros out there on the slopes. There was just a very short warm up on Friday for all the kids to get a lesson and then they were right back at it.

Jack was awesome!! On Saturday he went up the bunny hill and never looked back. he took a lesson each day and after the lesson was done, he went up that hill time after time after time. They had the carrot handle riding up the hill and after some patience, he went up and down about fifty times in a row. Hummer would meet him about halfway and give him some advice and Jack would listen. Jack would call hummer "god" because of his beard. So cute to see him coming down and just absolutely crashing over and over in order to stop. It did not deter him in the least.

Catherine was great too. When she first hit the slopes she went along so slow that I was worried that she would be stuck on the bunny hill all weekend. Not too worry. She wanted to get on the lift and away she went many times. At one point I went up with her. she had fallen and Kara was standing next to her. With me not being that great of a ski bunny I got too close to Kara and ran over her skies. I wasnt going that fast so imagine my surprise when I looked back and saw her flat on her bottom. She said some things that I didnt hear because I wasnt going to stick around long enough to find out.

The picture of Jim and Jacob helping Jack up was from before he learned how to groove down the hill.


Monday, January 09, 2012

The Big Bang Theory

Oh Sheldon, I need some help here. I remember back to Jimmy's third grade class when we had to with his planet project. I remember being so thankful that he picked Mars. The whole class had a showing in the cafeteria where parents got to go see their replica of the planet that they had chosen. So going around from one table to the next, it was so neat to see how in depth the children had been with their new knowledge. I got to know a whole lot more about the planet Mars then I had ever known. It makes sense that Laura would chose Mars right????? Not a freaking chance. She brought the sheet home today where I had to sign off on her planet. Probably more to show the parents what they had to do for the kids shoe box planet. Sooooo, of course my little hippie Laura comes in and keeps telling me the planet she wants to do. Of course, I keep telling her how wonderful it would be if she chose cool planets like Jupiter.....or that real hippie planet named Saturn. Or what about some of the newly discovered about making one up for jeepers sake. NOOOO, not Laura. I told her, Laura, the kids might make fun of you. NOOOOO she says, everyone thinks it's a cool planet and thats why she likes it.

So, I take her aside and I said to her, Laura, do you know what this word means? Its kind of a funny word Laura, I even freaking explained to her what it meant. OOOO NO Daddy, you are weird. So everytime she says the planet's name, I laugh like a little school girl. I even tried my klingon joke...she had no idea what I was talking about..... Just tell me, who the hell is the adult here I'm thinking. I'm supposed to help her with this planet thing!!!!