Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

                                         Same book since Jimmy was born....we havent lost it. 
     We all went over to Kara's house for Christmas Eve, as usual. Uncle Bobby, Auntie Paula and umple Eddie joined us there along with Aunt Jo and regular cast of characters for Christmas Eve. 
    During the course of the book reading, both Cat and Jackie had incidents where something dramatic occurred and they had to be hugged and healed. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

The kids doing Zumba....Gangnam style

     We have been waiting for the kids to have a free Friday night so they could do Zumba for kids.They went in full stream, especially Jack and they loved it.  I have a feeling we'll be coming back again.  That new song or dance or Gangnam thing came on and they all knew the words and moves.  It was fun....wishing I were a kid to be able to join them....whoopem Gangnam cool!!!  Oh who am i kidding...i am a kid!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Laura's Holiday concert

                 She looked so beautiful tonight getting ready for her Winter concert at school.  Just dont call it Christmas, it might be too religious.  She did look very lovely though....
                                           It's so difficult to get these little buggah's to pose...
                                             Here he is, my little Guido with the lovely Catherine
     She sounded so good with her violin.  My little hippie is growing up.  We got her report card in last night and as expected it was perfect. 
     There were some fun songs that they were singing too.  Such a lovely voice.

  I had to rush these photos in so aunt jo could have something to accompany her lunch'd i do auntie???

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Swim meet, then....Basketball double header

  My little hippie slept over Kara's house and did some traveling very early in the a.m. for her swim meet.  Daddy and Mommy went to meet Kara up north to cheer her on.  She once again smiled the whole way through and when it was all over, we rushed home to have her and Jimmy compete in back to back basketball games.  Jimmy's team has had a renewed energy and suddenly have begun to compete against other teams.  Friday night, they actually won with Jimmy scoring the winning basket!!!  On Sunday, they were headed to familiar territory when they were suddenly down by 18 points.  Then something happened...what it was I dont know but they came back and tied the game.  It was so exciting.  Okay, they ended up losing but how exciting was it to see them burst right back into the game.  Laura's team ended up holding on for a four point victory as well.  Laura is playing up against older kids and she enjoys that challenge as she does when the coaches puts her in races against much older competitors.  Lots of times before she gets on the block to jump in the water, she will look up at us and do a little hippie awesome to see her smiling her way just want to hug her.....yeah, we do!

   I was so relieved to find out that George Michael, formerly lead singer of WHAM, has now taken the referee position at the middle school....This guy takes his job real serious, very serious.  I started singing some songs from the stands that I thought were george michael songs, until someone informed me that i was singing Boy George songs...heyyy, just about the same right????

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jimmy's Holiday Concert

      The magical musical boy was singing up a storm tonight in his sixth grade holiday concert.

                                                charlie gets animated with his singing

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

A Hippie at the State House

     It was my little hippies day to go to the State House to sing with her classmates.  She was with her violin standing next to Ava on the steps inside.  They sang a bunch of songs and had a great time.  Aunt Jo, Nana, mommy and Daddy and Jack all showed up to cheer her on.  After the mini concert her and nana headed out to Fanuel Hall to do some dining and shopping all alone.

Monday, December 03, 2012

balance beam moves in

Uncle Patrick put together this awesome balance beam for Catherine to do her gymnastics.  She had asked him to make her one and, Patrick being who he is was too happy to oblige.  It really is tough to say no to that little sweet gal.  She is so happy to have it.  She has been on it non stop for one whole day...and as you can see, Jack has also had some fun on it.  With Jack, he is loving it also.  Yes, I got up on it too, though not as smooth as the kids.  Laura has been showing Catherine how to get the most out of it too.  I was sitting on the couch tonight and sure enough, there was Jimmy doing his best balance beam moves too.  I"m thinking that it just might be a permanent fixture in the living room.

Jimmy's basketball

Although he's already started winter baseball indoors, Jimmy has started a new basketball season for his traveling team.  They havent exactly torn up the opposition but they still have fun...Jimmy loves the competition and never, ever stops when he's on the court.  He's is sprouting up so fast.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

First Christmas party of the year...

         There are more photos to come.......but Jack was the last kid to get his gifts from Santa.  He sat right next to Santa with his hands folded the whole time.  I could see the nerves in him while he was wondering if Daddy was right when he told him that Santa really does know if you are naughty or nice.  It was cute though...he loved every minute of it.
     Theresa convincing Santa that Big Bill has been naughty and should be given coal.

     Jimmy had to leave early to get to his basketball game but he still had time for Santa. 
     Catherine's greatest gift was yet to come.  Uncle Patrick made her a balance beam for her to practice her gymnastics.  Right now its in the middle of the living room floor and she loves it!!!  She told me how nice uncle Patrick is to her.  She is really an appreciative little lady.  She loves her uncle Patrick.

  Trouble...notice the capital T for that Maura....yes, she does look so innocent but we know!!


Friday, November 30, 2012