Monday, August 01, 2011

Where to start today

I dont know where to start to talk about today. I got home really, really late from work, woke up early to go to Jimmy's first game, I blinked and its past midnight on an all around fantastic day. It was even better than fantastic but I dont want to get carried away. First, I'll start with Jimmy's baseball games. On Friday night we thought that his team was done for the summer because they had lost and were too low of a seed to continue. However, there was a slight, slight possibility that the team could get into the playoff round based on a statistical formula counting runs scored, runs allowed, batting average and so on....Well, of course they became the sixth and last seed of the playoff round with not much chance of continuing on....uh huh. well, the little buggahs kept winning and to make a long story short, they won the tournament. As a matter of fact, this is the second tournament they have won in a row. They were really the bad news bears team who had just won on some talent and a whole lot of heart.
They played this morning of a team from our own town. Apparently, when the kids tried out for summer ball they had so many people try out they split the teams up and we just happened to beat the stuffing out of them this time. It was a very exciting game and the parents were very proud of the effort the little buggahs gave and especially the win. Jimmy went 2 for 2 with a RBI exciting.....After the game we all headed over to Patricks house for a cookout in honor of Suzie and Jackie who have come home for the long weekend. So, so good to see them. Only wishing they could stay much longer than a couple of days. Laura loves that Suzie so much and Jack is such a nice guy. Dont know where he came from!!! The cookout was great and the kids spent most of the day in the pool. Catherine Q came with us and had a great timel!!!

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