Monday, October 11, 2010

Last second trip to StoryLand

After Jacks birthday in Boston we didnt know what we would be doing on holiday Monday. We knew we wanted to go somewhere but figured it would be Black Gordon and the like. When we woke up all the kids had climbed into the bed. We took a poll where everyone wanted to go. Laura said she wanted to go to StoryLand. We havent gone this year but even still it was a long drive and a whole day thing. Lyn checked the computer and we found out that it was the last day of the season. Off we went a couple of hours later.
It ended up being a beautiful day. The crowds were steady but not crazy like it would be in July. Again, Jimmy and Laura LOVED it. We worry that they are getting too old for this stuff but i'm holding on.
On the ride up and back, we have this radio thing that connects to the ipod and we can listen to the music on the car radio. We must have listed to Sweet Caroline about twenty times. The ride up we were blaring the music big time.

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