Sunday, July 25, 2010

Newburyport rocking and rolling

This kid is so cool

Today the fam went to Newburyport to see Ken's band play. Its a really nice place. Ken's band played in a festival and were pretty good. The band played on a stage surrounded by a grass infield. The crowd sat all around the outside theater on chairs with an area right in front reserved for dancers..or crazy kids. It was mostly crazy kids today running around playing tag, tackling and having fun tackling daddy. Alot of the aunts were there today as well as some of the kiddies. It was a great day for a park concert.

Umple Eddie came and picked us up around 11am and Nana took half the kids in her car. We got up there with no problems and got out of there the same five hours later. We took a couple of walks around town and its a very impressive place right on the water. We all had our own chairs, i dont know why because the kids did not sit down that long to be on them.

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