Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bike trailing in July 2010

The boys and I went to the bike trail today, not together though, at different times. After I got back from doing a 5 mile ride with Jimmy, Jack was ready for me to take him. He had his training wheels on his bike and was whipping down the trail. I did the same thing last year with Jimmy last year, I was so worried about them I forgot to pay attention to the narrow trail and ended up on my rear end and off the trail. This time I ended up tossing down a hill.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Newburyport rocking and rolling

This kid is so cool

Today the fam went to Newburyport to see Ken's band play. Its a really nice place. Ken's band played in a festival and were pretty good. The band played on a stage surrounded by a grass infield. The crowd sat all around the outside theater on chairs with an area right in front reserved for dancers..or crazy kids. It was mostly crazy kids today running around playing tag, tackling and having fun tackling daddy. Alot of the aunts were there today as well as some of the kiddies. It was a great day for a park concert.

Umple Eddie came and picked us up around 11am and Nana took half the kids in her car. We got up there with no problems and got out of there the same five hours later. We took a couple of walks around town and its a very impressive place right on the water. We all had our own chairs, i dont know why because the kids did not sit down that long to be on them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quack Quack Movie

Video of Laura's day on the Duck tour and more set to movie

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Little Jackie

Sometimes I could just sit and stare at him for hours.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day with Laura

Laura took this picture of me.

I love this picture of her.....that sums it up, her smile that is.

Out on the Charles

Today was the long awaited day with Laura in Boston. A couple of months ago I told Laura that her and I would have a day together when school ended. It was tough finding a day when we could get it going but what a perfect day it turned out to be.
This morning I had to do some work early so we got a jump to the train at around 11am. She was so excited and was all ready for me when i got home. Thankfully this time she is a little older and doesnt need to run to the bathroom every five minutes. We still had not decided what we wanted to do when we got there. Because Catherine had gone on the duck boats a couple of months ago, I figured that is where Laura wanted to go and I was absolutely correct.
We went to the Museum of Science to pick up the ducks. We paid for the tickets and by the time we got outside a monsoon swept into the city. Laura wanted to buy some duck umbrella's so we at least had them with us. I tried to get a refund but no luck but they at least let me postpone our tour until 3pm
In the meantime we went into the museum of science and got a family membership while I was there. It doesnt make sense not to. While we were inside, we went to alot of different "stuff" and "thingies" (according to Laura). One of them was a cup type game that rides on tracks. You push a button and a ball pops out of the top of it. The point is to slide the cup on the track and while its moving you push the button, the ball pops up and you want the ball to land in the cup while its moving. To make matters worse, they suggest that you pop the ball out in front of a bridge and have the ball pop back in on the other side. Wellllllllll...I saw a couple of people, including adults, try and fail. Laura, on the other hand, was a pro. After only a couple of failed attempts, she went twenty one straight times with success. Laura informs me that 21 times isa a new world record.
So we went inside, ate some bad food and before you know it, it was time for us to head out to the Duck tour. When we got into the bus the front rows were empty and Laura and the tour guide became fast buddies. Once we got into the water the guide let laura have a really long time at the helm of the boat. What great weather to be on the water. On the way home the train was delayed so there was no room to sit on the train so we had to stand for half of the ride home. She finally sat in between two geeks on their computers. From there she pulled out her six chicken nuggets, french fries and sprite. It was actually very funny to see her in between the two while they were just waiting for her to spill her food on their laptops. She didnt.
She ended up reading alot of her school project books to me while we were on the train. She really likes to read and do school work. I'm very happy about that. As soon as we hit home we headed over to Jimmy's baseball game, which of course went long.
Laura was so cute all day long and had so much fun. It wasnt that long ago that we took the train to New York City and I had to make sure I couldnt let go of her hand. I actually let her go into the ladies bathroom all by herself in Boston. She is SUCH a good kid. Very mature.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Fourth of July 2010

It was a very hot fourth of July. Jack and his new best friend Fenway are constantly tackling each other. Poor Fenway doesnt stand a chance.
For the holiday Jimmy and Laura ran the race through town. It was actually the fifth of July. On the fourth we all went over to aunt chrissy's house for a barbeque and swimming.

Laura joined Jimmy and Jacob in the race this year. She did really good.

Polar Paula with the kids. Aunt chrissy's pool is spring fed and tends to get really cold at all times when its not 100 degrees outside. When we were there last year most of the adults wouldnt put their toes in but Paula prefers the bone chilling ice cold water. eeek...Auntie Paula came over on the fourth and Uncle Bobby joined us on the fifth.
Jack is funny about umple eddie. He is crazy about him and wont leave him a