Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Umple Ed's birthday and Snow Angels...finally

If you look closely you can see her hat on her back.

He has no fear at all

On Saturday our kids and the cousins went to the tubing hill to celebrate Ump's birthday. After the tubing park we all went over to kara's house for some good ole eating.
We have to accept the fact that if we are going to live in the Northeast section of the country, we have to embrace the snow and cold weather. Especially when there are kids involved. This week we have gone tubing, skiing(I watched) and today with a storm we made some snow angels and an ugly snowman.
It was Catherine's year to name the snowman and this year's snowman is officially named "Umple Eddie the snowman". When we started making the snowman the snow was really nice, a really good packing. We got called in to have some chicken pie and by the time we came back it seemed like the white stuff had dried out leaving it so much tougher to stick. We survived anyway by taking the snow off of our cars that had been running earlier. The snowman still ended up looking like a descendant of past snowmen. That is certainly no compliment.
After the snowman all five of us ended up having a snowball fight. Jack was so cute running around hitting the others with snowballs. He kept on flipping out when his nose was running but he got right back into it when we had some tissue intervention.
As we were getting ready to go back inside after over 2 1/2 hours outside, Catherine was very upset because she couldnt find her hat anywhere. I helped her look too, she got very upset. The two of us together must have looked quite foolish when Laura pointed out that her hat was on her head. Catherine was a little embarassed...what is my excuse. I started calling her Franny...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Movie Tuesday

It was Laura's turn to do a one on one with Daddy. The kids had a half day at school. As so often happens, the one on one turns into all of them, or at least most of them. Laura had wanted to go to the movies but couldnt decide which movie to go to....that is until she saw the ad for the Tooth Fairy. Well, Catherine wanted to go too and she was so cute about it we just couldnt leave her home and then Jack didnt want us to leave him at home either. Jimmy was supposed to come but he ended up over Charlies and backed out at the last minute.

We had a quick stop at Walgreen's for some chocolate bags to sneak in to go with the movie theatre popcorn and sprite. there were other stops along the way, City Hall, Zamish's convenience store, driving by Black Gordon and the coffee shop and finally, the post office...I'm surprised we made it to the cinema.
Once inside the theater it was a good time and a good movie, we only had one mass exodus to the bathroom. We HAVE to go to the bathroom everywhere we go. Jack got a little bored after about an hour but I found some more M&M's in my jacket and that worked temporarily.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Keys to the car and basketball Jones

Jack wanted to go see mommy today so he asked me for the keys to the car. I would have given them to him just for kicks if I didnt think he would drive off in it. He's been walking around the house today with a dollar bill and telling me something about him being a policeman when he grows up. Not Catherine, just him. Somehow the dollar bill is associated with being a policeman. Maybe he's corrupt.
Some random shots too here of Jimmy's basketball last week. Unfortunately, the batteries to the camera died while they were practicing.

Jimmy with his buddy Shea.

100th class and 100 year old daughter

Laura dressed up today as a 100 year old lady for the 100th day of class. She is such a fun girl and loves to do these things. Last St. Patricks day her class had a prize for the student who wore the most green. She, of coure, won. William thought for sure that he had the prize won until he saw Laura walk out of our car.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

A Super Sunday

Finally, we once again had somewhat of a Family Sunday. It started with waking up kind of early and Jack charging into the room really, really early. This being about 6am to 6:30. He was nonstop linebacker charging and yelling as Jack does when he wants to get your attention. Ahhh, we had a good laugh with him even though it was so early.
At one point, we went out with no direction in mind. We ended up at the dollar store and then at CVS doing some crazy shopping. Tomorrow it is the 100th day of school so Laura's class has to dress up as a 100 year old woman. At the dollar store we got her some yucky jewelry and then Laura and I went into Kmart to get her a house coat with matching slippers. Its going to look great with the gawdy jewelry, hair net and curlers.
After Kmart and some driving around we even got a chance to go over and make a quick trip to see Black Gordon, just to say hello. Jimmy agreed to come out of the car, just to say hello he said. They all played around the walkway area with most of us playing 'chooooo choooo' on the back of Claribel. It was very cold but we still got about ten to fifteen minutes out of it
After we got home I just couldnt get out of the hillbilly minivan. I told everyone to meet me inside in a bit and I just put the seat back and took about an hour and a half nap on the passengers seat. I heard at one point Jimmy yelling to me that Charlie was there. I guess Charlie came inside and told Lyn that I was in the car sleeping. Boy, did it feel good.
When I finally woke up Jimmy, Charlie, Steven and Laura were playing basketball and then went sledding on the back yard hill.
Then came time for the Super Bowl over Umple Eddie's house. It was supposed to be Jimmy and I going over there alone. Laura took it okay but we could tell that she wanted to come with us really bad. Jimmy allowed her to come with us which was nice of him even though we had to bribe him $5.50. Jimmy brought his Old Maid cards and asked if Auntie Paula would play Old Maid with them. The kids love Aunt Paula and loved hanging out with her over Umple's house. They ended up playing some cards with her, probably cheating, and then they went with her into their family room and watching Nick Jr. for a large part of the game. I think they just liked hanging out with her.
At one point Lyn came over with Catherine and Jack, with all the kids walking around the place like they own it. It was late when they left and I think the kids were a little tired. Good day!!