Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another weekend done

Such a cute weekend with the kiddos. The flower finally bloomed on the kids favorite rose bush. That Laura is so cute with a huge, huge heart. Tonight we did her science project on the senses. Of course we didnt quite read the instructions fully. We only had to do one sense but we ended up going to Michaels and got boxes and opaque (as if I knew what opaque was) containers for filling of smelly and loud things. It was a good thing to do with her though. Jimmy decided that he wanted to hang out with Nana and Doe today. They were supposed to go to Jacob's game but it got rained out so he just hung out with them all day. Umple came over later so Jimmy ended up playing some baseball with him for a while in the back yard. Well, Ump decided that he wanted to clear the debris off the roof so I let him. All went well. Jack watched intently and wanted to go up the ladder to help him but luckily we stopped him in time. Catherine was tired and even put herself to bed which was unusual.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Toe freeze in June

No, we havent touched the thermostat this month yet (unless of course you count the times Jack reaches up and turns it on) but we sure could have. It doesnt really matter to the kids though. They still spend so much time out in the yard running, biking and playing it really doesnt matter. The last couple of weeks we have started our first ever vegetable garden and planted flowers and shrubs around the house and yard. Laura had been talking about tending a garden for as long as I can remember and now she got her wish. We have lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and of course, peppers. We wont go there for Lyn's sake. Laura has her sole flower planted by the white birch and Catherine has her orange something or other by the grammy franny tree. There are roses there that we planted last year after we gave them to grammy franny for her birthday. We kept them inside the house until planting season and now we are seeing some little buds coming out. It took so long just to plant the darn things. Maybe its because i'm so slow on this gardening thing.
On the outside front. The kids just love to go out onto the street and ride around with Jack Ring under the watchful eyes of the grandparents. They just love those Rings. Our Jack greets me everyday I get home from work by yelling hi daddy, hi daddy, hi daddy. Its a good way to end the workday. I get hugs from both Laura and Catherine and Jim Jim has some dilemna to discuss but he's usually happy. Love those smiles all around though.
This Sunday I was out in the yard with the whole fam and Lyn took Jack inside for a fresh diaper. Within a couple of minutes Lyn comes outside and tells me that we have a problem. Jack had called 911, the cops called back and were on thier way to check on us. Jack confessed immediately also confessing to the cop when he showed up.......He hasnt stopped talking about it since. We brought him to see the firetrucks last week along with Catherine and they were so cute. When we drive by any firestation Jack wants us to stop so he can drive the truck. He's an old pro now at it. He was so funny in the firetruck gabbing away with all the firemen. They loved him. I remember another of my boys doing the same thing not so long ago.
Laura told me yesterday that a boy named Tagan in her class keeps telling her he loves her but he always makes fun of her. She said that he mustn't really love her. I told her he doesnt...grrr. Catherine is all done with her pre-school and is nice and happy to be at home all day. Cant really say they every really just hang around at home anyway. Mommy keeps them nice and busy. We went for a long walk on Saturday on the boulevard and some nice lady took us to the boats and showed the kids how people go out rowing the boats on the river. Of course Jack wanted to go and do it but they were very nice to the kids.
This weekend we got baseball games planned. Somewhere in there I am hoping to go see Black Gordon. Something about that black train.
Jimmy is getting so grown up. I still like getting to see the boy in him. Every morning when I leave for work the kids gather up in the front window and chant for me to trip three times. Jimmy gets involved with the others. With other things he tries to be cool but with the trip thing he is always there with the others. When I'm backing up in the car and looking back he's usually too cool to stick around and blow kisses to me but he's there to laugh at me tripping in the driveway. He's getting so darn good in baseball. Last weekend he tried out for the big boys summer baseball league. They are only taking 14 kids out of the 35 that tried out. We are keeping our fingers crossed. There was alot of good players there so we'll just have to see what happens.
Laura has been fighting going to baseball games lately. When she gets there she has a good time. She is one of only two girls on the team but the whole girl/boy thing is already starting. She's so beautiful I dont blame the little boys but Daddy is never far away. I tell them they cant afford her.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

My Little Laura

Got time to do my little baby Laura's movie. She is so beautiful in pictures it was hard to just pick these. The music stops before the pictures do.***in looking back a couple of these pictures were actually Catherine :)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Definition of a good day

the definition of a good day is when you find this note stuffed in your laundry basket. Thank you Laura.

Catherine's graduation

My lovely little baby girl had her pre-school graduation on Tuesday. She was so cute and definitely excited to show off her singing and poetry talents to her mommy and daddy and little brother. I love to watch her sing with the group because she takes it so seriously and her focus is awesome to see. Unfortunately, I had to rush back to work. The kids came with me and they got to go sit on the firetruck. Jack was looking for the keys so he could start the fire engine. I have no doubt that he would do it if given the chance.