Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My First Blog

It has been forever since I wanted to start keeping a weekly diary of the little monkeys and the goings on in their life. I keep thinking that I will go back and write about the little nuances that were unique to each of them. So now and again I will do just that.
Today, Jimmy is 4 years old, Laura is 3 years and Catherine is 10 months old. Jimmy is learning how to play baseball and loves his trains. Thomas the Tank Engine, of course. Laura is my feisty one, the most like dad. She has to get her way. Yesterday she was the superstar in school and got to ring the bell for clean up time. She told me this about 6:30a.m. this morning. I knew she was in the bed for some time and i'm sure she waited for me to wake up to tell me. Right before work Laura grabbed her elbow, went running into mommy's room and told her that I gave her an elbow strike. Too much power-rangers i think. Anyway, Little Catherine is like a candle in a dark cellar. Something about a 10 month old greeting you with a smile in the morning and right after work that makes a daddy giddy. She greets me like Hitler would with a salute, I think she's trying to blow kisses. Well, lets hope this is the first of many blogga's going on. Go with Buddah!!

1 comment:

Evelyna said...

I went to update my own blog and saw your blog, which had been updated today. I found it poetic and touching. I do hope you continue to update. I like hearing the stories parents tell about their children. :D