Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mini Golfing with the boys

 Jimmy and Jackie were playing wii Golf and Jimmy told Jackie if Jackie beat Jimmy then Jimmy would bring him to mini Golf....well, apparently Jackie won and off they went.  They invited me and I definitely would not turn down such an invite.  Jackie got a hole in one on one of the holes and thats all we've heard all night.   Jimmy is getting much better at Golf so his putting is improving.  He said he won but he was the one keeping score too.....but it was really fun to be out with the boys.

We had the whole place to ourselves....it was cold and a Monday night so thats not surprising.  Afterwards, i got an ice cream and all of us went to Ant Jo's.  

We always have the face masks ready

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Road tripping



     After a very sad week, we Laura and I shook off the dust, got up and loaded into Nana's car for a wicked excursion to include some college visits.  We started on Wednesday and drove across NY state and stopped at that dental college (Colgate)...Ok, sometimes i just cant help myself..i try but i just cant.  What a great drive it was though.  It was a picture perfect day (of course without a camera) and the ride provided so much scenery.  Colgate was a beautiful school..sort of like a New Hamspshire mountain area...quiet with a college town twist....but still beautiful.
     We spent quite a while there and took off into Pennsylvania, Bucknell it was.  We made it to Lafayette and Lehigh after.  Somewhere in between we went to Scranton to find some scraps of fame from THE OFFICE television show.  Scranton is interesting for sure.  Its like an old fighter thats been kicked too much and kept the white tshirt on.....where did that come from ??  Lafayette was interesting for Laura.  We went into a building because we got an employee to open the doors to let us in....By the time she was pointing the way to some interesting areas to check out we were both looking in the opposite direction to leave.  
     From there we went to Washington DC.  In DC we went to see Georgetown, American University and The George Washington University ......All beautiful schools,, 
     We then went to New York City and a trip to see Columbia University.  Wow, what a nice school that is.  We stayed in the city for the night and made a trip to Times Square.  Well, it might not be the right time for visitors because we had to get the hell out of there because the crowd was a little rambunctious at night.  Its too back because I loved Times Square but the times, they are a changing.