Jimmy,Laura,Catherine and Jack enter into our bedroom as they have many,many times in the past. You know one thing for sure and that is this isnt going to be a quiet time. They come in and do their goofy things, whether it be singing, dancing or just yelling out loud. Somehow they all carve themselves out a small portion of the bed to sit and out yell each other and try to be heard. Jimmy is telling Jack to keep it down, Jack is very loud. Laura is making fun of my hairline, calling me OLD MAN, Cathering is bring her goofy self with a quick wit and Mommy and Daddy are just watching and refereeing the whole time. Yes, this scenario plays out often and if one of them isn't in the room we make sure they join us. It is very fun to experience the life with all four of them. We know it wont last forever, we know we'll miss these times but thats why we cherish them while we are going through them.
Its moments that I just mentioned that I envisioned when the first blog was made. Truth be told, I didnt think it would last this long....the blog I mean. Its been a constant way of being able to put things where i know someday I will need to look back and remember or at least refresh my recollection. I was in a hug panic because from May through November of this year I was unable to post new stories on the blog. That bothered me quite a bit....They did an update on the blog and refreshed a lot of it and now I'm able to put new posts up. Believe it or not, If I lost this blog it would be a huge loss. I usually write things with an eye towards the future...but there are other uses for this thing. Through the years the kids have taken turns having time out with Dad. They take turns, like say we have tickets to the ball game, i'll ask whose turn is it?? and they will of course use the turn most advantageous to them. A quick check on the blog assists us with the answer. Now they all have access to it and look at it when they want...which is good.
Back to the 1000 posts??? I think that means i'm getting old, or they are getting old or all of us are getting old. It has been oh so nice to have ole blog by our side through these years. Back when it started, in 2006, most people werent too familiar with what a blog was, only us cool people knew. Well, okay, maybe thats a stretch, i'm always a couple generations behind the latest technology or gadget or slang. There are sayings that the kids say that escape us and we have to look up. I've heard all of them talk about how something is "lit"...or if they are talking about something thats a rumor and they ask what the "T" is. So I'll say that something or other is the "T" and i'll always get it in the wrong context and I really think they set me up just to laugh at me. Thats okay, I think that's what i'm here for.
Well, here we are finishing up in 2019 and here is what these little Angels are up to these days.
Jimmy is 18 years old. He just finished his first semester in college and by accounts handled it as well as can be expected. As is the same with most freshmen in college, he had some anxiety at first, he certainly missed his girlfriend, and he must have been homesick because he liked coming home most weekends....That was fine with me, its good to have him around. He made a lot of friends in the dorm and as the term wore on he stayed there more and more. As time has gone by I'm getting more comfortable with accepting that he's an adult and I don't have to know where he is at all times...that took a while. He calls us quite a bit, thank goodness for that and keeps us up to date on his life up there.
Laura is 16 years old and is a junior in high school. She does great in school and just got in the National Honor society. As Catherine says she goes to school, takes her honors classes, comes home, then swims and has to study. Not time to eat dinner and everyone has to keep it down. This past week as you could see from the previous post, the swimming is going well. Most importantly, she's having fun with life.
As shown above, Catherine Margaret is the sarcastic jester of the family. She's really come out of her shell and loves to get into it with the others. She's very funny and still surprises you with her quick wit. She's very good in school and it was so fun to see her and Laura both swimming on the same team in high school. She doesn't realize it, but she really was kicking some butt this year in swimming and she was flying most of the year. She made the sectionals meet and came ever so close to making the states. Most of the swimmers don't make either and she will probably be there next year. I still consider her the sweetest girl I know....
Sooo, who does this leave me with....ohhhh yes, Jackie boy!! He's a really good boy who is 13 years old now. Non-stop action out of this kid, he is always moving and always up to something. His newest undertaking has been The Rubik's cube and he has mastered that to perfection. He just grabs it and spins it and next thing you know its solved......even when I mix it up on him, he solves it. He wants to teach me how to do it but it just makes me dizzy.
His baseball from last year was so fun, and busy, it will be hard to compare to, but he's already doing winter training three or four times a week. Add Soccer games on Sunday and he's a busy boy. ..Every Friday night is spent over the house he owns and lets Ant Jo stay at...or at least he says so. He waits for Auntie to pick him up and he has free reign of the place...he lets her know its his house and he's nice enough to let her stay there.....None of the other kids would dare venture overnight there with him....Its a really sweet tradition....We cant threaten him with not letting him go over there as punishment because I think Ant Jo likes it as much as he does.
He also has been doing great in school,This year i havent heard about the unfair teachers, or how the teacher has done this or that.....He must like the teachers this year.
So, this is 1000 posts and didn't the time just fly by. I've really enjoyed this blog through the years. This year I must admit, I've been slacking quite a bit on it since i've been allowed to post again. We've been very busy with everything but I do promise to keep up....for future Jim's sake