Monday, March 18, 2019

Thumbs up from Cat....!!!

Ok, well, I dont want to hear that youre too old for this.  Ever since I started dropping her off at gymnastics I told her she had to give me a thumbs up when she opened the door to let me know she saw her teacher and that it was okay for me to leave.  Well, she's alot older now and she tells me that she'll be fine.....hmmmmm....I know you are not 6 anymore but traditions are traditions.  But to her credit she does it for dear old dad.  As you can see she puts the door almost shut so her teammates cant see her giving me a thumbs up.......She is so nice to appease me :)

Maple Farm at the Lake

    Ricky and Anna Marie came up North with us on Saturday and mommy has always wanted to go to this Maple Farm and they were excited to come with us.......It was pretty cool to see how they cook the maple syrup and we ended up with a couple Quarts to go home with.  This little guy, about nine years old, is the sixth generation of Maple farmers and he gave us a tour of everything.  It was really cool to have him showing us around.  He was awesome and pretty smart too.....A good day, the gals seemed to have a great day as they went to Gunstock and went tubing.  No broken bones so thats always a good day. 

This truck here with the big tub on it is the first step in the process and all the sap is tubed into here and the the hoses shift the sappy sugar into the maple house before its separated by a steamy process that puts the sugar on one side where the water gets evaporated into steam (see picture above.)..We enjoyed ourselves today. 

Friday, March 01, 2019

Lets call him Sea Biscuit...down the stretch he goes

     To set the stage, i'm sitting in the stands at the State Championship in Track and Jimmy is the anchor in the 400 relay.  He has to take the wand in the proper lane so she shifts over to the proper lane after he sees where his teammate is.  He has some room to make up as soon as he starts....Nana is a little excited...its a hell of a finish