Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Super Bowl parade 2019

     We took the 7:00 am train and crushed it into Boston.  It was incredibly full on that time of the morn....There were smiles all around though.  Erin ended up with us as well as Alex and lil sis Chloe.  Jimmy went with his friends and was at the start of the parade so he could sneak out and make his track practice later.  
     When we got to Boston Laura asked if she had to stay with us and as soon as i said no she turned and fled with Alex and Chloe.  Its fine, they are good kids and I wanted them all to have a good time. 
They told me that there was no school today...I thought it was odd but who am I to question?? 
     I don't really think that there was much a school day around New England.  There had to be about two million Marijuana smoking high schoolers drinking there hearts out.  I dont want to be one of those Old geezers but hooolie momma the smoke was stinky and and thick and plenty of idiots around.  But lots of fund was had too :)....