Monday, December 11, 2017

Cat is back in the saddle again..and Wahlburgers after

My little kitty Cat has been out with an injury for three months and had to fight very

hard to get back to competing.  She wasnt very happy with the results from the first

meet back but I thought she did great!!!  I'm biased of course but as long as she keeps

smiling we've won.

      We were gonna go to Fire and Ice but for a special treat we spoiled Cat and Erin at Wahlburgers.  Nana came to the meet with us today and joined us here too.  The kids love it here.  They do have good burgers.
      I asked Catherine to show me the pictures that she puts on her snap chat.  This strawberry shake from Wahlburgers is an example.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Making History

Well, how about this.  She is named the swimmer of the year and is the second all-time at the school for the 50 free and 4th all time on the 100 free.  Its quite impressive.  What I like most about her swimming is how much she loves doing it.  She NEVER complains about going to practice and she has a great attitude even when she does't win....which isnt very often.  This night she was very happy about her awards she received.