Wednesday, August 30, 2017

an old post just popped up and I never finalized it....

     It looks to be about 2015 on their flag football teams.  This was a real competitive league and they all had fun

And the summer goes on...Ice Cream boat

Yes, its the Ice Cream Boat.  Remember the Ice Cream truck.  Its a different spin on it.  When he comes by all the kids go running.  Its so fun to see all the kids get so excited.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Shawn Mendez

     The second longest awaited concert at the Garden was last night starring Shawn Mendez.  This generations crooner played all night for the crowd and did a great job.  Laura brought her friend O Smith, Emily, Erin, Quinnie and Kitty.  
     There was quite the spin on the tickets that you can see.  They (allegedly) could only get six tickets together and not seven.  Soooooo guess who gets to sit somewhere else with all strange girls.  So there I was, i'm sure a subject of numerous Meme's, in between all these groups of girls who probably are calling me 'stranger danger' !!!  Thankfully, i found an open seat later on.  
     We fit everyone in the Kara's car and Dermot drove us there and got a parking spot because he works close by.  We went to a sandwich shoppe in the North End and Catherine made quick work of her sandwich.  It was funny because we all ate them on the run and it was quickly that she was asking for a garbage barrel to throw her trash.    

     I have never heard such loud screams in my life.  Its a day later and i'm barely getting my hearing back.  The girl that was behind me screamed so loud that it doubled me over.
     I love this picture of all of us...I know its not the clearest but you can sense the happiness that they all had.  They are all such good kids and i like to see them happy.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Oh what a feeling

The morning view

In the morning when the little angels are still sleeping in, we go down and put the chairs out for the day and sit at the lake staring at this.  Nobody else around....!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Swimming championship

For the first time in 21 frustrating years, the swim club comes away victorious at the championship meet.  they had so much fun and the whole team jumped into the pool at the announcement.  Yeah, it was pretty cool.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

First Out of the park Home Run Ever for Jackie

You knew it was only a matter of time.  He has been on fire lately at the plate and on the field and today, he blasted away.  It was a shot to center that cleared the fence and went into the trees.  Also, he made some spectacular plays in the field.  All of it done with a smile.  He's fun to watch.

Thursday, August 03, 2017