Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Catherine has some new bling

Catherine got her much anticipated braces put on today.  There was a lot less drama than we anticipated and she handled it like a champ.  She's such a cute young lady and the sweetest gal I know.  They are very nice at this office and they go out of their way to make a fun and enjoyable time for the kids.  She's handling the braces fairly well and says they are only a little bit uncomfortable after one day.  She went to gymnastics after getting the braces put on and it was her first time back after her illness.  I picked her up and on the way home she informed me that mommy had promised her ice cream after she got out of gymnastics.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cutting down the ole Christmas tree

We all took a trip out to the Christmas tree farm on Saturday.  Once we get there the kids piled into the back of uncle Jamies truck and then we set off to find the tree.  Jack picked the one out this year and they others quickly agreed.  I started the cutting and each one took a turn using the hand saw and it was Catherine who was the one who got the tree to topple.  Each kid got a free candy cane and we were off.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Laken it

We had a chance to have the weekend up at the lake.  Boy, do these kids love it up there.  Even though it was a little chilly we spent a lot of time down at the beach or out in the yard.  It goes to show you that we made the right decision to get this place.  They key was getting wifi up there for the down time but there is something good about having family time.  Mommy made a pork roast and we all sat around the table and ate and was just joking around all weekend...well, mostly at my expense.  I challenged Jimmy and Laura to a 40 yard race.  I know they'll probably kick my butt, well maybe, well most definitely, but I need to find a doctors note.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Vote early and vote often

Jackie was so cute about his vocal support for Hillary...Alas, he did not win.  But he took it like a very good sport.  The day of the final election he received a yard sign in the mail, which was autographed by the democratic nominee, thanks to his uncle Aaron.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Final game

Jackie has really improved on his soccer skills this year.  Before the game, I was driving him in and was joking with him that if he scores a goal i'll bring him to breakfast.  of course he scored a goal!!  Off to the owl it was after the game.  He really is quite good at this game.