Sunday, January 31, 2016

On the podium again

     Catherine was telling me this week that the teams that she was competing against were going to be very good for this meet and she was a little nervous.  The competition was very good, especially that team in the dark gray outfits....But look who is on the 1st place podium......the sweetest girl I know!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Football at the school (skool) bus stop

     Normally, we have, for years, grabbed and spent our mornings at the bus stop playing tennis ball.  We would take a tennis ball and toss it sky high or do some grounders.  when it gets too wet outside there would be no grouders, we would learn to stamp the ball on the ground and dry it off....well, the last one has changed that.  For quite some time he has brought out he football and he wants to play football on the street while we wait.  Alot of times he wants to make great one handed "Odel" catches.  I tell him is he misses he is making an "Adele" catch.....Either way, its very fun.  He listens to Tom Brady on the TV yell out his cadence, you know, when he says hut, hut, hut.  Well, Tom is yelling out "ONE EIGHTY-HUT HUT HUT' ,,,Jack would be playing and imitating Brady and yell out 'MY LADY-HUT HUT HUT' that is what we yell out as we have make believe plays.  He'll play center and give me a long snap and i'll yell out MY LADY, or vice versa.......its a lot of fun either way.  one of the fun things he does is to try and do an onside kick against me.  He will throw his arm up and kick the ball on the ground and i have to field it cleanly within ten yards before he grabs it.  I have had to change my pants more than one time from getting them dirty during this whole drill.
     Then the bus comes.  I see the little faces on the bus of those on their way to school, bored as usual.  This year, i go about ten to twenty feet from the bus and pretend to throw them the football.  Now they wait for me and have their hands up waiting for me to 'throw' it to them.....Oh whatever will I do when they grow up

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ump for prez

That Laura cracks me up.  She had really wanted to go to see Trump when he came to town but I couldn't go but I did get her a bumper sticker.  Now, she didnt want to go for any idealistic reason, she just wanted to be part of the circus that is Trump...Just made sure to add that.  Anyway, I was sitting on the couch and she said 'hey daddy, look who I'm voting for "......A very wise choice I must say....

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Is the Easter Bunny moonlighting??

  Catherine woke me up this morning, in all her cuteness, telling me that the Easter Bunny, known around here as EB, had left her a note about her tooth.  The tooth fairy must have been busy....or hallucinating

     She made it all right the very next night with this gem.....She's so cute