Friday, January 30, 2015

Snuggle time

       Remember those days before you had children and used to think that once you had kids they would quietly sit still on your lap and you would get to enjoy time with them while they adoringly,  leaned on you???  Yeah,well guess what,  it don't happen often after they start to walk....but when it does, its pretty cool.  This little guy sat next to me on the couch and read two chapters from his book out loud.  Then he snuggled up and put his arm around me and quietly just laid there.......He didn't really fall asleep and neither did I but it was a cool moment

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winter Kids

     I love that these kids love the snowy weather.  We have snow and you can be sure they'll be outside jumping around in it.....Sunday we went up North for the day and Jackie wanted to go out onto the ice and see what was up with the Ice Fishing houses.....He couldnt wait to get out there...I actually wanted to see it too...Theres something scary about walking on ice though

Friday, January 23, 2015

School Bus

     There are certain memories that I file away from these tender years that I know will stay with me for as long as I live.  I remember leaving for work with Jimmy being in the window and waving to me goodbye, Laura coming out to get a quarter from me while I'm in my car leaving in the morning, Catherine running from around the living room table into the living room to jump up on me for our good morning launch with Jack doing the same.  The one constant thing for all of them has been our time spent at the bus stop in the morning.  After leaving the house, we spend the time at the bus stop playing 'tennis ball'.  which includes a mixture of ground balls, pop-ups and throwing accuracy games.  Those accuracy games are important for Daddy because otherwise they make me run all over for errant throws.....but when the bus comes I get my hugs and kisses before they go to school.....and Jackie tilts his head so I can kiss his forehead.  My little Catherine gets on the bus, hurries to her seat and gives me a smile, waves to me and returns the blown kisses.  Its such a simple thing but it makes me start my day off right.  Jackie is in the second grade and has two and a half years left before he walks to school.  I'll have to find something else to do in the morning then.