Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Catherine is 9 years old

    Well, the day that we have been waiting for all year has finally come.  Catherine talks about her birthday all year long and anytime someone mentions the month of April or the number 13 she associates it with her birthday.  She tells us her birthday is a weeklong celebration and that its also a national holiday.  She is a very sweet gal and she deserves having a holiday named after her just for that reason.  Every year since pre school i've been able to go into her school and read some books to the class for her birthday week.  She absolutely loves it and is so cute making it a blast for me to do.

      Laura has taken much pride in making the birthday cakes now for everyone.  This one is a strawberry cake and i must say, was very moist and delicious.
      Umple Eddie, Aunt Joe and Doe came over and joined us for the partry.  We were able to sing with Nana and Lilly on the video phone from Ohio.

      James loves his vanilla ice cream....unreal how much he can put down.