Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Two on the bus, two in middle school......

      7th, 5th, 3rd and 1st graders.....Oh the pain to see the little monsters out and into school again.  It just means that they are getting older and older.  Jimmy just needed to get new shoes because the size 11 1/2 shoes he had were too small.  Laura wears size 9, and by the way, those shorts are too short and they will be lost soon.  Anywayyyyy, they were all very excited about todays start date.  Catherine has been building up to it for the last three night with a sore throat, achy stomach, shin splints and a broken ankle.  Last night she just gave in and cried for a couple of hours because she knew that 3rd grade would be too hard.  She always toughens up and does just great though.  She looked forward to us playing catch at the bus stop and by the time bonnie picked the kids up she was raring to go.  have fun kids :)