Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New York, part 2

      Jimmy was pitching on the main field, whih has a jumbotron.  So cool
      His first at bat above, he grounded it hard up the middle, out second to first.
     He pitched for the second time in the tourney.  When he settled down he just shut the door.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cooperstown 2013

     Off to Cooperstown for the final baseball journey of the season...we hope.  This is his fun team from town.  They arent expected to go all the way but they will certainly have some fun. 
     In the opening game they played a team from North Carolina.  Jimmy held his own but we ended up losing.  They had some monsters over there.  None of the kids took it hard as they just smiled all the way and went swimming afterwards.  There is going to be two games a day all week so the kids will be all baseballed out by Friday.

     Jimmy was representing his team in the home run derby and fared well.
I was looking all over for the ump....I found him peering into the window of a local begs the question though....what exactly is a gogo girl?

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Finally.... a Beach Trip

     The summer has been mostly baseball, some swimming and a whole lot of working.  We just couldn't wait to get out to the beach.  It was a trip that was only planned withing 24 hours but it was well worth it.  These kids are so funny....we always know who will be the ones to have the most fun-the ones that complain the most about going. 
     We woke up somewhat early and went over and picked up the ump at his house.  With a cooler full of drinks we headed out and had some fun.

     The kids stayed in the water for most of the day traveling up and down the sand.  

     There was a football game of one against all.  Each kid would take turns being the reciever and all three would be the defense.  Then they would become the quarterback and throw it back to me.  These kids can catch and do some moves.  Just look at the hands on Catherine in the picture above.  The throw is high and she went up and came down with that ball.  Truly impressive I must say.  There is another picture of Jack making a catch a little below.  A great catch that everyone was trying to get their paws on but only he caught it.  It was quite the grueling match as you can see from my picture below.....
We had a football game....I was sucking air

     I love to see this. Jimmy is sometimes such a good big brother to Jackie. Jack absolutely adores him and copies everything that he does. When Jack gets on base with his baseball team he flickers his fingers like he's going to steal, just like cute

Umple Eddie fell asleep and when he woke up a special friend had moved in next to him.

Does Catherine ever take a bad picture????