we walked right into a hippie fest. Hours earlier, well over a hundred people were arrested for occupying the area near the financial district. The place was alive with news reporters, hundreds of protesters and hippies everywhere you looked. they had set up tents to protest coorporate greed and then some. Jack called this place the hippie camp.
There were alot of games inside the Childrens museum and fortunately, we got to play all of them.

Jackies star studded fifth birthday weekend!! He was the star all weekend. We went over aunt jo's house on sunday for cake and gifts. on his real birthday he had another cake and singing. On tuesday he and I went to boston on a train for a final destination of the childrens museum. He had a great time all day. We ended up spending over four hours there. There was hardly anyone there so we could take as much time as we wanted on each floor.
For lunch we spent it outside playing catch with a tennis ball that he packed. he threw it in the street twice and a cab ran it over. the great day ended on a return trip on the train. Very fun day!

While at the childrens museum two students from harvard asked if they could include jack in a developemental study. so they whisked us off to another room. i didnt ask what their findings were. Some things are better left unknown.

Inside the Childrens museum they had a play that caught our eye and in we went. They asked the kids if anyone wanted to be a dancer and up went his arm. He went right on the stage and he was one of the dancers. Just so awesome he was. I was dying laughing at him. The play was about a plate of cookies that kept getting lost or taken. It was cute and he LOVED it. Maybe drama class next.