Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Black Gordon

Big Bill informed me that there was a new lock surrounding the Train that doesnt move...as if that would ever deter us.

Cat and I went for a trip over to Black gordon. We got a chance to ride the trolley train too. Just today we received a picture text from Umple Bobby(Umple Eddie's daddy according to Jack) saying he too had gone to visit the lovely train in our absence. I'm wondering if he made it over to the Train that doesnt move. Jack was very excited when he saw the picture and had to call him up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Jack's first day of pre-school

One of Jack's girlfriends, Addison, showed up for another year. Stunning, she gained a tattoo on her left arm. Jack wonders if it can wash off. she's a cutie.

Jackie walked right in like he owned the place. We remember how he was last year in his first couple of days. Well, not this year. He walked right in with his new backpack and found his carpet square. He had his little devious smile going on and one can only wonder what tales he told of his summer fun. At the end of the day he would only tell me that he had paperwork in his bag that was only for mommy, not me.   Though he is growing so big.  We dont realize because he's with us every day, he is kind of big for a four year old.  Every day he comes up with something else that absolutely cracks us up  the funniest thing about him is he forgets how young he really is.  He'll walk up to a group of boys five or six years older than he is and act like he just belongs there with them.  Jumping right into a game of baseball with them, he'll automatically take over and recite his made up rules to them, bossing them around.  We went to a barbeque yesterday and the older boys were playing whiffleball on the grass.  Not missing a beat he wouldnt get short changed on his at-bats.  Lyn told him last night that we were signing him up for T-ball next year and he wanted to start 'Sunday'.  He is very well prepared for it too.  I'm thinking by the time spring rolls around he just might be dangerous to play with kids his own age because of that swing of his.  He's knocked a couple off of my belly that did a little more than sting.  So much more to say about all of them but that will have to wait until another day, it gets tiring this life thing.....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

StoryLand 2011

Last Columbus day we did a last minute trip to Storyland where we got there later in the afternoon. They told us we would be able to get free tickets the next time we went. We go every year anyhow but today was our day to go. We went up on Friday night and spent the night at Eileen's place. The hardest thing about this was finding a place for the kids to sleep. it really didnt matter if there were plenty of beds, the kids wanted little to do with beds. Jimmy and Laura wanted to sleep in the basement on the couches and the chairs. I ended up on the couch in the living room just in case they wanted to sleep walk....because thats what Laura does.

We got up nice and early and breakfast consisted of a trip to Dunkin Donuts, plenty of bagels, muffins and donuts. We got there and we were surprised how packed the place was. Catherine remembered exactly where she was going to go to first, right to Humpty Dumpty. The great thing about this place is you can take your sweet time and you know youre going to be able to have plenty of time to see everything.

The picture of all four of them inside the pumpkin is by far one of my favorites. Last year was a similar picture with Just Jackie's eyes showing but the same old smiles all around.

Catherine is my little leprechaun and didnt find one of these cutouts that she didnt stick her head in.

The swan boats are always a big hit. More so this year because its the first year that Catherine was able to ride on her own as she was just able to pull off the 36 inch thing. I had to share my ride with Jack, who just wanted to crash into everyone.

Jimmy didnt want to get into the picture with Cinderella. I told him he might regret it in a couple of years...

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Rainy day in the city

The oldest three were in school today so Jack and I were left unchecked. He told me that he wanted to go to the coffee shop and go see Black Gordon. He has been talking about seeing the gate that Big Bill has replaced for him at the Train that doesnt move. Once at the Coffee shop, Jack's girlfriend Patricia was there. After that, we were lucky enough to run into the Trolley train and take two rides on it. Because he had been so good we went to Target and got him a wii game. I love that Black train.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

First Day of School 2011-12 school year

Wow, they are getting older. Jimmy starts his first day of middle school today...ooooo boy. Catherine is going into first grade and Laura into Third grade. They were all so excited last night and into this morning. It was tough getting them to sleep last night but this morning they were so excited to go see their old friends in school. I could sense some nerves with Jimmy to start a new school. He's got charlie to keep him company though. I'm sure he'll have plenty of friends that he knows when he gets there as well as some new ones. Laura had to put two to five things inside a paper bag that she would tell everyone in the class about herself. She went back and forth with so many things before settling on her swimming cap and a bruins and red sox souvenier with the picture of her with the stanley cup. She is so fun and cute. Catherine was surprisingly not a wreck. She was all ready for everything and went right into the bus. So exciting to see her open up, a little at a time. Jack still has to wait until next week for his first day of preschool. he's anxious!!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Laura's swimming medals and her vacation in Turkey

Laura had been excited for a couple of days last week anticipating us going over to the swim club to get her ribbons from the year of swim meets. I dropped her off and we were both surprised when she came back full of citations and then carrying a good size trophy. She had won the best time in the eight and under. She really had an outstanding season considering it was her first year ever on a swim team.

Nana and Doe are in France. Laura went and got the world globe so we could show Catherine where France was. While she was showing me different countries she started talking about different countries and giving her two cents worth. She informed me that she wanted to visit Turkey...she thought Thanksgiving would be awesome there.