Thursday, July 28, 2011

Annual Trip to the Swan Boats...and then some

We woke up in the morning and all four of the little devils had a dentist appointment. We went downstairs to the dentist office and were getting ready. They called Jack's name first and to our surprise, he jumped right up and went off with the hygenist without pause. Whew!! I think it was because he had the appointment thing confused with the doctors office where they put the pointee thing in his arm. When he explains getting a shot he points to his right arm and talks about the pointee thing. Anyway, he got in there without a problem at all. They are all getting older and are able to go in by themselves now. Usually, it is jumping from one room to another. Only one little whimper from Catherine about x-rays but that wasnt a problem because they postponed it. Anyway, from the dentist office we headed to Darrell's for a haircut for the boys...all three of us. When we got home Lyn checked the emails to find that Jimmy's baseball game had been rescheduled to Thursday. Now what to do, what to do. Quickly we determined that the Swan boats were the only option. We cooked up some hot dogs, put them in foil, some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and off we went in the swagger wagon. It was that quick

When we got to Boston it was picnic time with the hoP dogs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and then right over to the ball fields where Jimmy could hit some home runs with the bat and tennis balls we packed. Of course all four of them had their turn at bat. It was unbelievable how many potty trips we had to take. The swan boats were again fabulous watching all the ducks around the pond only we didnt see the turtles this year. After this trip we headed to the ducklings for the annual pictures with them. It was on and on until we ended up at the playground so mommy and daddy could sit down for a little relaxation....not really but they were so cute running around the swings and ladders and slides. Jimmy is looking so big around the other kids. So is Laura too....but they all played great together, especially Jimmy who sometimes complains about these trips but ends up enjoying them the most. He is so good with Jackie and was very very good all day!!

After the fun in the sun we promised them dinner if they were off we went to Fire and Ice. They all have adopted that place as the favorite place to eat. You take all your raw food, throw it in a bowl and its cooked right in front of you. We all love that, especially the chatting up of the chefs right in front of us....What a great day it was!! The thing I loved the most about the day is looking back and seeing all the smiles on their faces. I hope they remember these days. I certainly know going through them that they will not last forever but we are sure as hell enjoying them as they happen!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A day at the Beach

We woke up on Sunday and headed straight to the beach. We werent that late but the place was still packed. Fortunately, we were able to find a beach with at least some parking. I was smart for half the day by wearing a tshirt but shortly thereafter, i took the shirt off. i forgot to put sunscreen on my upper arms....imagine what happened next.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Grammy Frannies Red Rose

I will figure out how to straighten this picture out or it will be replaced....I get my head all tilted up. This is the rose plant that the kids gave to grammy franny on her last birthday. they had given her single roses and a rose plant. She gave me the rose plant a couple of days later and told me to plant it so the kids would look at it and remember her......they really dont need to see the rose to remember her but it is very nice to see Laura watering it every day. They really loved their grammy franny!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

4th of July 2011

Have you ever considered that the Fourth of July seems like the end of the summer?? Its huge around here and its getting bigger. Jimmy and Laura are in their second year of running the two mile race in town before the parade. They run with jacob and Emily and the trash talking goes on and on. Emily was unreal!! She came zooming by us with an early time, really impressive I must say. Laura was keeping up herself and Jimmy and Jacob were goofy as usual.
And then there was the parade. We have to set up chairs three days in advance of the parade to assure ourselves of seats for it. Snacks, drinks and little candy pieces for the sidewalk creatures in case someone gets left out from the float candy. It was so much more relaxing this year. The kids are getting older so I dont have to account for every step. Either that or Jack is getting much louder and is easier to hear where he is.
The parade was very long this year, its keeps getting bigger and bigger each year. I keep telling everyone that we are going to have to get our own float some year. I think maybe it would have to be something that shocks the senses of most people. We need a little more excitement...or maybe we dont. After the parade was done we went flying up to Aunt Chrissy's house where all million or so kids and family were eating, swimming and playing. The kids just take to her place like home. Its good to have so so so many cousins for the kids because everyone has friends to play with. They all do their crazy jumps off the diving board and whiffle ball is just on the other side of the compound. Auntie Paula and Umple Bobbie made the trek as well as they are now fourth of july regulars. The water was a little warmer so I dont know if Paula thought it was a sauna...she likes the cold, cold water.
For the nightime, we all went to see the fireworks. they were in jeopardy of not going off due to a monstrous storm that came in, but thankfully, it swept right back out in time. Only a little bit of a delay. All went great as the fireworks were just as good as the whole day...a big win.