Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September rolling past

Some random shots of September.......a very busy September

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Laura Fenway

Little Billy called up in the late afternoon offering some Red Sox Tickets. Just yesterday I had received a phone call from the Red Sox offering me tickets to the Sox/Yankees game later in the month. Jimmy has won the raffle for tickets we had entered last time we went to Fenway. I gave those tickets to Jimmy and I to go but I think Laura was a little upset. Things always do even out in the end. For tonights game, we drove and parked behind Dillons. Its a long walk from there so I was really happy to see the bike chariot waiting to transport us old folk. Laura really wanted to go on it but it was real fun to zip around the streets in it.

Once we got inside Laura wanted everything to eat but luckily she only ended up with fried dough and ice cream. This was after we had MacDonalds on the way up there. The game was great. Thankfully, it moved along pretty well.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bubble sunday

Just playing with some bubbles.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jacks First day of school

Where do we begin with Jack's first day of school. The good news is that the cops weren't called.
My part in it ended by finally just walking away with him screaming and grabbing onto my arm yelling loudly. At first, I had snuck out into the hallway and Sarah was standing out in the hallway too looking in towards the class. I asked her if Jack was looking out towards the hall and she gave me this funny look and then looked down. Of course, he was coming around the corner looking for me and knew exactly what was going on. So in I snuck again to finally find a way to leave. It didnt work that well. When I went to pick him up I saw his teacher in the playground and I said to her that I probably should have just left because i'm sure he was fine three minutes after I left. She smirked and told me that it took over an hour to calm him down. One of the kids, Sarah's daughter Addison, finally went up to Jack and asked him to stop crying....it kind of worked.
The second day didnt go too well either when Lyn brought him in. That was an eruption! He wouldnt let her leave at all. She ended up staying for about an hour and a half because he just wouldnt let her shake him loose. Again, he just didnt want anyone leaving him. I'm sure its tough when you are spoiled rotten like he is.......I have so many memories of these things.

I remember getting thrown out of Pre-school when I was a youngster. Mom had told us that the teacher politely asked her not to bring me back.

Here , he looks like he'll go in peacefully doesnt he.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

September 2010 has us putting all four into school for the first time ever. This morning was Catherine heading to kindergarten, the other day Jimmy and Laura started. How scary big these kids are getting.
This is Catherine's first ever bus ride to school. She was soooo excited about it. Jack was consoling her.

Jackie and Josefina