On Tuesday we awakened at about 4am with Jimmy prematurely waking up at 1am to tell us it was time to go. The flights were great and before we knew it we were in Cleveland.
On the first day we went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was a really cool place and was packed full of stuff, the exhibits never seemed to end. They had a video of a live Bruce Springsteen concert. Jimmy fell asleep during it. Downstairs they had the Xbox thing with the guitar and he played that for a long time.
At 7pm we had the Indians/Red Sox game. Dice-K was pitching and all was well in Red Sox world. During the game James and I were able to sneak into the first row behind home plate. We got tons of phone calls from people who saw us on TV. They threw us out of there in the sixth or seventh inning. We went back for the ninth inning. the place wasnt that filled with people.
to be continured..i'm still tired from no sleep