Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fire and Ice

For the kids school vacation week we started by bringing them to Boston for dinner at Fire and Ice in Copley. Kara and the cousins came with us. At Fire and Ice, you go and get the food at the raw bar and bring it to a group of chefs where they cook the food in front of us. Only Jim and Laura have been there before so the other kids were enjoying the place for the first time. Jackie got some ziti and meatballs, Jimmy had so much food his stomach finally had enough. Catherine tried eating some of the food from the raw bar before it was cooked and Laura is a basic fare gal. The kids tried playing all their new electronic games the whole time. They were all very well behaved for the most part.
Lyn got me a gym and pool membership for Christmas, its a family membership so we are going to swim today with the kiddies.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Here we head for the exits of 2010. What a quick year and an even quicker Christmas season. It was quite a busy couple of weeks but when we look back it is like it didnt happen. This year I had to work every single holiday. At least I got to take Halloween off. We all know that is the best holiday of the year though.

This Christmas season started with different kids christmas parties at their schools. The kids got their first taste of shopping when their school had a holiday gift store. Catherine came home with some incredible bill when she had racked up mega purchases for her gifts for everyone. So we had to give everyone the same amount of money to spend. Onward we went and Jimmy's fourth grade class had a night holiday concert where the children sang generic winter songs so not to offend anyone who worships buddahs. They still sounded great. The very next day the kids all headed to Boston to sing at the State house. Here is the catch with that one. Apparently, many parents enter their name in to be able to be chaperones and drive with the kiddies on the bus to Boston. I happened to be one of the lucky ones that was picked. After a couple of hours I was really surprised to learn that eardrums do wear away from sitting with children on a school bus. It was really great inside the State House though. The kids got led around the State House on a tour and the tour guide led them into different rooms such as the State Senate office...It was pretty cool for them to see. When we were downstairs When we were waiting for Jimmy's class to sing I saw Mickey Ward sitting on a bench. I brought Jack over to him for a picture. It was really cute.

Lyns family christmas party was once again a bit hit. It was on the Sunday when I went to the football game with uncle buck. During that huge party we have a tradition that I started three years ago. I gathered up the kids and sing christmas songs with them. The kids really like doing it mostly because we get to scream out the Spongebob Squarepants theme song as well as the old stand by songs. Its amazing to see how many little buggahs under 5 years old there are now running around.

On christmas eve the family went to Kara's house. Umple, Aunt Paula and uncle Bobby also met them over there. The kids love their ump and paula and bobby. I had to read them the annual Night Before Christmas book before I went to work but it was still fun as always.

On Christmas Day Jimmy had awakened a little after 6am. Lyn watched him as he walked around the living room and just seemingly being in awe. He had found the letter that Santa left for him and just kept staring at it, then talking to himself. I was lying in my bed and heard Jimmy up and about and I found that Jackie was lying next to me in my bed. I spoke to jack and asked him if he wanted to check adn see if Santa Claus had come last night. He just kind of lay next to me and said he wanted a huggie. How cute, I'm sure he was a little nervous. When we finally got into the next rooms we got to read the letters from Santa. Santa had eaten the cookies and left some crumbs and they were happy for that. As usual they just absolutely tore through the gifts. Catherine was so cute. She absolutely loves everything that she gets. The first gift she opened was a soccer ball and she just started yelling to me to look what she got. Then, she started yelling about some markers she got. It went on and on. The biggest gift of the day was the drum set that Laura got from Santa. We just happened to call Santa on "Christmas Even, he was over uncle Timmy's house again. Laura told Santa that she was getting drums and Santa told Laura that if he gives her drums she can play them anytime day or nigtht no matter what her parents say. Laura really listened to Santa until Santa wrote her in his letter that he was only kidding and to make sure she asks mommy and dadddy before she uses the drums. She has actually held to it.

We started over Patricks house and then Lyn and the kids went to Kara's while I headed off to work. From all accounts they had a wonderful time all through the holidays.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Singing at the State House

Jack got into a fight with this guy during the singing....its actually Mickey Ward from "the fighter" movie.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the year 2010

Seriously, where does the year go. I've watched it about ten times in one night.

Christmas Season 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

All my children--2010 style

It wasnt too long ago that we dreaded the old trip to the photo shoot. Jimmy never seemed to mind but i remember as we went along they all just got worse with screaming, fighting, biting and total destruction by the time we got to Jack.
One thing I cant help but notice is how big they are getting and how good looking the little buggahs are.

He looks like Pop-Pop...well, the ears anyway.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

My first trip around with this family I was appalled, aghast and astonished that their cranberry sauce didnt have ridges in it. So now when I go to their "italian" style cuisine, Aunt Jo is kind enough to find the more practical ridge lined cranberry sauce.

Sunday, November 28, 2010