Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well another month has gone by and I'm still here. The school thing is on the stretch run with the end in sight. Jimmy is obsessed with baseball. Its his every thought and action. I dont need to check espn for the scores and story, he has got it in his own little way. Laura cant decide what she wants to be for Halloween and this is causing her great distress. Catherine has again gotten into the habit of getting out of bed after being tucked in. Jack is finally sleeping through the night. This is a very recent thing so we are just enjoying sleep for about the first time in six years.
Catherine is also peeing in the potty on a regular basis now.
so instead of using the toilet as a toothbrush cleaner she's understanding the concept.

Last week was New Hampshire week. We went up north and landed in Santa's village and eventually storyland. It was very hot but the kids had a blast. Catherine was surprisingly well behaved and Jack was our star. I took over 400 pictures and will have to upload them as I go.