Monday, July 23, 2007

Hot July

Well, the year has just flown by hasn't it? Jimmy finished his first year of kindergarden and Laura finished up another year of pre-school. He has become addicted to baseball over the summer. Its all he does and thinks about. From the second he wakes up he has to know if the Red Sox won and if they dont he tells me about how much they stink. He's a true fan.
This weekend we got a large water slide for the yard. Catherine loves to put her bathing suit on but she just cant build up the nerve to go down just yet. She's sleeping a little bit better but she still puts on her daddy radar to know just the right time when I am utterly and completely exhausted.
School started up again last week and this is it! got the big push for the bar...stay tuned
Last week all the buggah's were sick except for Jimmy and Mommy. We brought all of them into the doctors office on Friday. They love to see us coming. I'm surprised they havent fired us as their patients. Catherine had the highest temp and Jack was close behind with an ear infection.
I went to the Red Sox game the other night and sat through a 2 hour rain delay. Third row from the field next to the dugout. Pretty good seats. yeah, they lost. I couldnt tell Jimmy that I went because he would have been mad that I didnt bring him. I'm bringing him next month. Just always something about seeing that big green wall in left.